Atheism Kills

Atheism offers nothing but its own emptiness. It offers no nourishment for the body nor the mind. No hope, no laughter, no joy, no beauty, no sense of purpose, and no sense of a world beyond our own. It has never created a song or innovated new technology. It has never inspired anyone, nor caused anyone to aspire to anything positive

The atheist does not appreciate that whatever he believes to be good is the product of thousands of years of the Judeo-Christian mindset

Being an atheist alone doesn’t even make you a bad or mean person. But being an atheist dictator advancing an atheist doctrine has always led to brutality and killings. In other words, give power to the atheist doctrine and horrible things seem to happen

Religion is merely a vehicle by which to know God, just as a car is a vehicle to get from point A to point B. You can abuse cars, airplanes, money, morphine, the law and just about anything else. But few would push the abolishment of any of those things just because others might have used them for evil purposes in the past

Even NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois viewed the Nazi rise positively, saying that Hitler’s dictatorship had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.”

when we did not understand something, we simply assigned a “god” to it

we certainly understood the sun’s power to provide heat, to grow plants, and otherwise to sustain our lives, we didn’t understand the sun itself. So we created a “god of the sun.”

Man only likes to count his troubles, but he does not count his joys. — Fyodor Dostoevsky

while the atheist complains of renegade crusaders and some kings and queens who did bad in God’s name, he knows very little of the good that religion has done in God’s name. He fails to appreciate any of it

No atheist institution or other group pushing godlessness created any schools, hospitals, or social infrastructure of any kind. It can’t even claim it once painted the walls of a school or YMCA

One can believe in God without believing every story specifically as the Bible tells it. In fact, one can believe in a higher being without believing in the Bible at all

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter

it is the atheist (as opposed to an agnostic) who is far more dogmatic than the believer. He is far more certain of his belief in the Non-God than most believers are in God. The believer often finds himself questioning God’s commandments or even his existence

All visions of utopia—the quest for a crimeless and worry-free society where everyone has a defined role and no one is lacking for anything—share one simple characteristic: everyone must be on board with the program

Where is the good that atheism has done? On behalf of atheism, there have been no inventions, no medical advances, no universities, no schools, no judicial systems, no scouting program for boys and girls, no YMCAs, and no charitable organizations for the poor or otherwise

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