Many Hot Air Balloons, There Are. Fly High, They Do.

Spirit of Boise Balloon Festival

Boise, ID just celebrated its Spirit of Boise Balloon Festival this past weekend. If you could manage to get up early enough on your weekend you were rewarded with delight of watching countless balloons take off together for the Grand Finale on Sunday. Learn more about the event from the picture source just below.


Here's some of the pictures we captured at the festival.

The balloons bounced off of each other back and forth as they inflated in such a tight space. Honestly seemed a little dangerous to me, but I don't know anything about piloting hot air balloons.

Yoda, there was. And Darth Vader too.

Hilariously photobomb Yoda did. Much laugh and smile make me.

The balloons moved slow enough to that when they were far enough away they appeared unmoving and made the sky seem like a play-room wallpaper.

As we left the park we couldn't stop for too long on the footbridge that crosses the Boise river because it was packed to capacity with people trying to cross.

Those were all the photos from Sunday. The festival is a five day event though with launches every morning. I saw the balloons flying high as I led my weekly group mountain bike ride on Saturday but didn't manage to capture any photos to share. I got a couple from Thursday morning though when I was awoken by the sound of the balloons flame.
The reflection in the window that I awoke to as the balloons flew over top of our house.

They got much closer than I ever captured a photo of as I was worried they'd hit our nearby tree haha

That's all the photos. I think these balloon festivals happen in cities throughout the country and I definitely recommend going to one if you ever get the chance!

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