Hello Steemit... Never get tired of praying, because prayer always works to change bad things for the better


Hello Steemit.... Good Evening from Bogor. How are you today?

My Friends....
Never despair in praying to God, because we never know which prayer will penetrate the sky, so keep on praying and asking Him only.

Don't stop just because we feel the prayers offered are as if God is ignoring, because in fact our prayers will always be received by God. And if it hasn't been answered, it means that God tells us to be patient and don't break up to expect Him.

Know, every desire will not always be a reality, because only God knows what really makes us good.

Even though we think it is very good, but if God says "no, this is not good for you", then what we hope will never happen, but God changes with a better one.

Because the prayer we offer is essentially waiting for approval from God, when we pray we actually ask whether this is good or not for us.

That is why there are several prayers that are granted and some are waiting patiently.

When our prayers have no sign of being granted, even the time is long according to us, then is our prayer rejected by God?

No, but God wants us to wait for answers to the prayers we have wandered with patience, God wants us to prejudice him first, which is why we sometimes have to wait.

And believe me, that every good thing that happened today could be one of the prayers we have asked for in the past.

Because God could not grant it first because God knows that this is the right time and the time when we really need what we want.

Never get tired of praying, because prayer always works to change bad things for the better, to make all happiness come in the future.

So, for whatever time God gives to the prayers we offer, always invite the heart to be patient and never give up.

Ask for everything we want in God, as often and as much as possible what we really need in this life, without hesitation, because we never know which prayer will really penetrate the sky.

Thank You and good night all.

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