How to detox your body naturally-simple step approach

If you are feeling bloating, fatigue, acne, brain fog, and poor sleep , you may be experiencing symptoms of toxicity. Although the body has a natural system that cleans out poisons that build up in the body, we are constantly exposed to toxins in our environment which includes food, water and the air we breath.
Because of high levels of toxins, experts say to follow a detox diet at least every 3-4 months. Detoxing helps the liver work properly, and helps bring the body back to its natural balanced state. It will make you feel good and lower the risk of getting sick a lot due to high levels of toxins. Here are some things you can do to naturally to flush toxins out of your body.
Drink Plenty of Water. Water is important for the health of all your main organs, because it helps in every metabolic process in the body. Water also flushes toxins out of your body. In fact, water helps you be more regular and will increase the frequency of your bowel movements. When you keep the bowel and digestive system healthy, it helps you be more healthy.
Try to drink between 8 and 10 glasses of fresh water every day. However, you may need to drink more or less, based on your climate and activity level that day. For better detoxification, every morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of clean water using a glass or ceramic container, to keep your digestive system working properly.

Always check the color of your urine to find out if your body has enough water. If your urine color is clear, it means you’re drinking enough. Other signs may include thirst and hunger, fatigue, headache, as well as constipation.

Start Your Day with Lemon Water To lower the amount of harmful toxins in your body, start each day with a glass of lemon water. The citric acid in lemon helps detoxification. The acidity of lemon juice is like the digestive juices found in your stomach, which also in turn helps the liver make bile. More bile keeps food moving smoothly through your gastrointestinal tract.

Once in your body, lemon even alkalizes the pH level of your body, making your body resistant against many diseases. To make lemon water, you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass of pure, warm water. If you want, you can add a little raw honey to it. Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait 30 minutes before eating your breakfast. Lemons contain around 40mg of vitamin C which has been shown to protect against kidney, heart , and eye disease among others. It acts as an antioxidant, as well as a mild diuretic.
The compound it contains is Citrate which is a natural inhibitor of toxins. These toxins can be in the form of crystals. A 2005 study published in BMC pharmacology demonstrated the liver protectant effects of a compound found in lemons called hesperidin. There were other studies showing the cleansing properties of lemon juice and its peel. Most dramatic effects are seen in those who have substituted this instead of coffee or soda.

Enjoy Detox Smoothies Green smoothies made from fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, apples, oranges, pears, kiwis, avocado, beetroot, alfalfa sprouts, pine apple and ginger. You can also use different berries, nuts, and seeds as a healthy addition. Green smoothies are also great for detox, because they help the digestive tract get rid of toxic waste.
All the ingredients in these smoothies boost proper digestion and are full of antioxidants that help clean your body of toxins. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Be careful if you are diabetic, or have a history of kidney stones. Due to high content of potassium, it is great for blood pressure. A good tip is to include vegetables that are in season to reduce the alkaloids they contain and therefore reduce any unpleasant side effects.
Also pay attention to the oxalates that some plants may contain in greater amount such as spinach and swiss chard as some may be sensitive to these. If this is you, consider cooking veggies beforehand or better off try to stick to veggies with lower oxalate count such as cauliflower, cucumber, or even broccoli. Experts recommend using more vegetables than fruits, due to the reduced amount of sugar they contain, and using less variety mix at a time allows you to enjoy the flavor better.

Drink Green Tea To help you detox, switch from your regular coffee to green tea. Green tea is full of antioxidants that help the body detox. These boost the creation of glutathione, a master antioxidant that rids the body of harmful toxins. As a result your immune system is improved, and your risks of developing chronic disease will be reduced.
Drinking it protects your liver against the harmful actions of alcohol. Green tea also contains compounds called polyphenols which make fat- burning hormones that are inhibited by toxins. It contains a rich source of an antioxidant called EGCG for short which helps the body get rid of free radicals which are damaging to the body.
Green tea is great for other things such as purifying your blood, treating constipation and improving digestion. It will definitely rehydrate you. Try to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea every day. If you get bored of green tea, switch it with other herbal teas that have detox properties such as turmeric, and rosemary.

Get Some Exercise Sweating is a great way to help your body get rid of toxins. Sweating helps get extra salts and other bad toxins out of your body. To boost sweating, nothing is better than regular exercise. When you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, you improve your lung function. It is proven to remove toxins out of the body, and strengthen your heart. To help detoxification in a natural way, be consistent.
Eliminate Toxic Substances If you want to detox your body naturally, it is important to lessen, or fully get rid of toxins that you have control over. Two of the things that you need to stay away from are coffee and alcohol. You can start by slowly lowering the amount of over time to make an easy transition. Tobacco is definitely not good for you. Try to eat organic and non-GMO, wild, and grass fed. When it comes to fruits and vegetables refer to the dirty dozen and clean 15.

And finally lowering stress will make it easier for your body to detox whether this is during a detox plan you may be doing for short term, or even every day long term detox. During stress your immune system is compromised, your sugar levels increase. You increase your chances to develop a fungal overgrowth, and more likely to put on weight. De-stressing includes first to removing any allergens and irritants, added sugars, and preservatives. This also includes gluten, dairy and soy, this will help balance and restore gut function.
Use liver supporting foods such as bitter greens, beets, artichokes and lemon. Try adding a probiotic as well as digestive enzymes. If these foods are introduced back, try to find out what type of reaction you may be experiencing, because chances are you are sensitive to it. Consuming it causes unnecessary stress on your body. Using stress relieving techniques such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises will up your level of detoxification. If you are not getting enough sleep, make sure you do so as well.

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