A Christian's Perspective On Negative Body Image


This subject really hits home for me. I am firm in my faith and I believe I am a precious creation of God, but still I'm so self-conscious about my body and I hate the power it holds. I check my weight every morning, I will skip meals, and I constantly worry about the food I eat. When reading this, I don't want you to think this comes from someone who doesn't know your pain or what you're going through because I am right here with you.

However, let me tell you this. The negative thoughts you have in your head about your body aren't coming from you. Don't you dare think it is your fault or that something is wrong with you. These thoughts are from the one who strikes up evil anywhere he can, ruins countless individuals' self-confidence and much more.

Remember what's important: You were created in God's image, it says so in Genesis 1:27. The most flawless, perfect being ever to exist is God, and you and I were created in His image. Let that sink in for a minute. But, just because we were made in His image doesn't mean we are equal or anywhere near worthy compared to Him. He is God and we are not, but we are still special to Him.

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We should be so thankful that God created us after Him. I mean, we could be a lot worse looking, am I right? God calls you His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). He is so pleased with His work of art. You, yes you, are a priceless piece of art. Your God calls you far more precious than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). And, He finds you just as you are, right now, absolutely breathtaking. The God of our Universe thinks you're worth it. In fact, so worth it, He died for you.

When God created you, He didn't want you to be worrying about your weight or how skinny you want to look. He wanted you to be praising Him and knowing He loves you the way you are.

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Being reminded that the God of literally everything thinks I'm beautiful just the way I am has helped me tremendously in this battle of body image. It has let me realize that there are more important subjects to take up time and space in my life. This isn't supposed to make you feel bad or guilty for what you think of your body. This is supposed to encourage you and let you know that you are loved more in a second by God than anyone could in a lifetime. And, He loves you just the way you are, please don't forget that.

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