MAN !!!

Man is essentially a spirit being. He is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body 1 Thess 5:23”....... I pray God your whole spirit , soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord” the three parts are distinct in there various functions yet interrelated.people jumping_12.jpg
The spirit, is what is referee to as the man , the spirit is the life in man
This is the breath of God that came into man at creation to make him a living soul.
The soul is the part that became the most comprehensive part of man
It is made up of the mind where you have the reasoning faculty of man and the centre of decision which is the will. The emotions and desires of man are also traced to the soul.
The mind is the intellect of man .... referred to as the brain, every action taken by the body is dictated by the brain.
The push that the regenerated man requires for mental aggressiveness is contained in the book of Genesis 1:28”... be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth......”
Then we have the body , this is the dwelling place place for both his spirit and soul also referred to as the temple of the Holy Spirit
The body is mans link with the external , physical world
These three distinct parts are all interrelated one cannot operate without the other
For maximum productivity a man is expected to develop in these three dimensions of lifetrees_11.jpg

Man is supposed to develop his spirit, his mind or brain and his body. Growth is necessary in three realms of existence. The spirit is developed through mental processing of ideas ( ideas rule the world). The body is developed through bodily exercises. In all realms the level to which you exercise determine the output. You cannot get more from the spirit realm than your spirit is able to contain. You cannot get more than your mind is able to analyse and sort out
As you grow in spirit you are able to wield more power as you make more use of your mind you are able to produce more the same goes for the body. Jesus is our example Luke 2:52 “ And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man”
There is no increase nor growth without the mind.
If the mind is not challenged daily it becomes stagnant like a pond.
To be continued......
Father, as I increase my sphere of influence let me grow in wisdom and favour IJMN

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook

Have a great day, enjoy have fun
It’s Friday

“I AM WHO I AM”🦅🦅🦅

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