How masturbation can benefit you

Masturbation is one thing no one ever speaks about, it is so condemned that it has become taboo. As a child we are told you will go blind if you masturbate, we are told that we shouldn't touch your private parts because it is wrong. Where has our sexual freedom gone? Do you ever feel like you are doing the Devil's sin when you're about to get down and dirty with yourself?

Let's promote masturbation in the healthiest way possible. There are many benefits of masturbation. Here are a small few:

  1. It releases dopamine and endorphins.
    If you're feeling stressed or out of balance, masturbation can become a personal remedy. Think of it as a source of spiritual medicine. Endorphins are extremely beneficial for those with depression.

  2. It helps with sleep.
    If you're ever struggling to sleep, this practice can help you feel calm and relaxed sending you off into an amazing deep sleep. All the positive energy and emotions you are bringing into your space will ensure a great nights sleep.

  3. It produces Oxytoxin.
    A few Mums might know about good Ol oxytocin. Oxytoxin is a natural pain reliever. Some Mums who have experienced calm birthing will know how this works for our bodies.

  4. For men: Help restore semen.
    Regular masturbation will aid with flushing out semen, keeping your genitals healthy.

  5. For women: Help with menstrual pain.
    We all dread menstrual cramps before and during. Regular orgasms can help strengthen the pelvic floor from the increase of blood flow.


Besides the usual facts, masturbation can help us on a much deeper level. From a spiritual level, masturbation can help keep us aligned with ourselves. It can help us stay balanced. With our day to day stresses and negative emotions, if we can have one personal and powerful experience that keeps us going masturbation is it. It provides you with the highest level of emotion that can bring out your divine power within. Some of us are so afraid to masturbate, but there is nothing to fear because it comes with such greatness. Fall in love with your body, because your body loves you!

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