6 Types of Body Fat and How to Get Rid of It

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six types of body fat and how to get rid of it body fat the bane of our existence. we hate it we desperately want to get rid of it but most of us don't realize that there is no Universal remedy for the fat distributed in the various parts of our body well be ready for an eye-opener because Brightside is going to share some original and super effective ways to fight six different types of body fat when we say original.

we actually mean it. one of these ways is sleeping oh yeah we've got your attention now number six full upper body fat this type of fat usually starts to accumulate if you consume more calories than you burn so the main contributors here are overeating and inactivity how to get rid of it do aerobics because this type of fat appears due to a lack of physical activity make it a part of your daily routine running or swimming at least thirty minutes every day.

will help you burn this fat right off if it seems impossible for you to fit any of these in your busy schedule try brisk walking bring some tunes with you so that it won't feel so much like exercise you can even dance if you want to stop consuming processed sugar and forget about sugar sweetened drinks rather than making you full sweet foods and drinks just make you consume way too many unneeded calories according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition sugary drinks account for 11 percent of your daily calorie intake which is actually a lot given the fact that they don't nourish your body or provide any benefit.


Many scientists also consider them the main reason for the high rates of obesity now before you reach for that diet soda think twice because it won't help you inyour fight either carbonated drinks even the diet ones have artificial sweeteners that kick your body into fat storage mode ok so what about some fruit juice ah not your best friend either it has plenty of sugar in it stick to good old water it has no calories and will help quench your thirst number five lower abdomen fat you might have perfectly slim arms and legs.

But still not feel 100% satisfied with your looks because of a Poochie tummy some of the reasons that cause fat to store in this part of the body or stress depression and anxiety yes stress and depression can even do that to you bummer.

How to get rid of it avoid stress and learn to relax the stress hormone cortisol makes fat collect in the belly so a good option for you is to meditate or do some breathing exercises. when we say meditation we don't necessarily mean some fancy yoga class or a trip to Bali although that would be fantastic you can learn the most basic techniques and use them whenever you feel stressed out it's all about focus and mind power try to move your focus down to your stomach and let it soften as you breathe deeper then say this to yourself breathing in I call myself breathing out.

I smile yeah it sounds a little silly but it'll work as long as it makes you smile your mind and body will get the everything's gonna be fine message and calm down if you're looking for more meditation ideas check out this video drink green tea it's a great natural fat burner because it's loaded with antioxidants that can boost metabolism plus if you're doing some physical exercise green tea will also enhance its effect according to the National Center for Biotechnology information green tea also works.

When you're just relaxing and even in your sleep sign me up finally drinking a cozy hot cup of green tea is a good way to calm down. when you need it number four lower body fat your hips eally don't lie one of the causes of those annoying chapping thunder-thighs is an excess of gluten in your diet if you aren't happy with the size of your lower body you may want to consider going gluten-free how to get rid of it walk up hills and stairs yeah in a world of elevators and escalators easier said than done right but you real.

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