STEEMy boardgame #2: Twenty-one

Hey everybody!

I hope you liked my first Review yesterday about the game "Ticket to ride: Europe". Today its time for a new game tough. The game I am going to review today is called "Twenty-one". I bought this game in the Netherlands and the text on the box is in Dutch so I dont know actually if this game also is sold in other country's. Probably it is because the publisher of this game is "White goblin" wich I believe is a big publisher.


Throw that dice!

In this dicegame you try to hit numbers with the right colour dice to get a hit on your score sheet. You have to make smart choices wich scores you put on your score sheet to gain the most points at the end of the game.

score sheet 1.png
There are 6 different score sheets
score sheet 2.png
All players should have a different one while playing.

As you can see on the score sheets there are 5 rows of 6 numbers. In each row there is a number for each color dice. A player can only write scores in one row at a turn. A player has to fill in a score each turn but can even fill in more if he is lucky enough to throw the right numbers.

Direct hits

If a player succeeds in throwing the exact number on the sheet with the right colour dice this will be a direct hit. If you have a direct hit you have to cross the small square next to it to get bonuspoints at the end. At the bottom of the scoresheet you see how many bonuspoints you get according for how many direct hits you have in a row. As you can see it goes up progressively so its good to try to get as many direct hits as possible.


Each turn there is an active player. This is the player who actually throws the dices. Even when you are not throwing the dices you have to fill in a score tough! The active player have a slight advantage because when he is not happy with the throw he can choose to try one more time. When throwing again you can throw all dices again except the ones wich are on "1", those have to stay! After the active player is done throwing ALL the players have to fill in at least 1 score on their score sheet.

Throw again? Green 1 stays.

You can only use a dice wich is exact the number on your score sheet or lower. Only when you have the exact number you get a direct hit. If the dice is lower you still get some points but unfortunately no bonus points. Players can only fill in scores in one row at a throw, meaning that the maximum of scores you can fill in is 6. If you cant fill in anything then you have to cross away a score. You cant both cross and fill in a score in a turn.

The game ends when the first player filled in all his scores on the whole score sheet. Because players can fill in more then 1 score it can be that one player already is done while the other player did not even start on the last row, so you have to keep track to not get to far behind. The player with the most points when the game ends wins off course!


This game is quite funny to play but not really complicated. If you are looking for a game to play with friends at a boardgame-evening this one is probably not the best choice. It goes fast and you maybe get bored after some plays.

Its however a perfect game if you have some time left to do some quick games. The game dont take so much place so its also easy to take with you. Be prepared to get frustrated now and then because like with almost all dice-games you have to get lucky with your throws. If you are really unlucky and your opponents are lucky the game can be quite frustrating.

Its a funny game and I would recommend to play it. It would not be my number 1 recommendation to buy this one tough.

Amount of players: 2-6
Age: 8+
Time to play: 15 minutes

Final score: 3 steems.png


Read also my other Reviews in this serie:

#1 Ticket to ride: Europe

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