What is Bitnet Token?

Bitnet is a decentralized platform built for businesses of all sizes to help get them accepting Cryptocurrency with Ease, Security and Profit in mind.


Why Choose Bitnet Token?

Bitnet has built and and facilitated a platform that allows businesses to utilize existing Blockchain technologies to accept and process payments from any Cryptocurrency of there choice with ease.

Unlike other companies that are promising technologies that no one will ever use; Bitnet is developing a continually evolving platform that can be implemented in real world situations to help bring the use and innovative technologies of Cryptocurrencies to the everyday public.

The Bitnet Platform

The Bitnet platform allows businesses and merchants around the world to receive and send any Cryptocurrency of there choosing as payment securely. The Bitnet Token API integrates with the top Cryptocurrencies and tokens so the user can send and receive Cryptocurrencies using our platform with ease.

Using our Decentralized Platform, the exchange of Cryptocurrencies can be done through an all-in-one wallet in a non-regulated, non-controlled Decentralized environment. The user just needs to download one single app that functions as both a multi-coin wallet and Cryptocurrency exchange. This is what we have done to make it as simple and convenient to store, buy and sell multiple Cryptocurrencies, while allowing for further functionalities to be built into the app with ease.

We have created a secure physical key to the platform that businesses will get after registering for our platform. This secure physical key will isolate your private keys into the safety of the secure physical key. This is by far the most safe and secure way for any business or user to store and access there Cryptocurrencies. This type of technology is already trusted and used by Top Cryptocurrency companies like BitPay, Bitstamp and CoinPayments. By having a secure physical hardware key, the business owner can have peace of mind that there Cryptocurrency is always safe from the threat of hackers, computer crashes, malware or viruses.


We believe that having a platform that works hand in hand with other top Crytpocurrency projects will allow us to further develop features and innovations that can be used and appreciated by the average everyday Internet user.

The goal of Bitnet Token is to take Cryptocurrencies out of the darkness – from being this hard and scary subject to invest in; to becoming a topic that everyone can understand, join in on and use with ease.

As part of an incentive to help bring our idea into the hands of businesses, we will be offering incentive rewards for business and merchants to begin using our platform.

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