Be a professional problem solver.

Sometimes I used to tell my seminar audience, always consisting of several thousand of people on attendance, that am aware of what each an everyone of them do for living. I can see from the face of disbelief laughing back at me while people wonder, they said how is it possible for him to know what I do?


But the response is simple and easy. I tell them, whatever your job title is, but your real job is your solver problem. This what everyone probably do all day long. Where there seem to be no problems to solved, jobs are not available the bigger, the more difficult, more complement and even more expensive the problem get compound, the greater the chance there are for to get paid enough and promoted faster.

Even in the company or industry with highest paid people They are the very best problems solver in the industry. Let get this straight to business, that every goal that are not unachieved is just problem unsolved. Your job is what will find ways up, over, within and through any obstacle that is thrown in your way. Your capacity to solve problems will be develope_your entire quality of life, Even both at home and at work.

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