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FUD from Megadrive - How do you fool people?

Recently a lot of fud has passed over my project and me (not the first time). Building an atmosphere in which I cheat people, want to steal from them and sell user data unfortunately appear once again - and as usual they are contrived.

Did BlurtCreator allow accounts to be stolen?

Megadrive wrote from the beginning that the code must be made public, otherwise the security of the project cannot be ascertained. This is not true. That's because the keys are generated on the user's side and never leave the user's computer. And this data has always been transparent.

Frontend verification alone would eliminate items 2 and 3 from the list.

However, the FUD machine must keep working.

As the FUD was not working properly the issue of GDPR, or proper data storage, came up. The problem is that it's hard to clearly classify from the outset whether even by storing email addresses to any degree GDPR is being violated. So is any service that stores an email address unsafe?

Of course, I've made the source code available so that everyone can see how the frontend and backend work. There is no ambiguity here now.

BlurtCreator was created so that anyone - rich or poor - could start an existence on Blurt.

War between the community and the Blurt Foundation

Well, a war has been brewing between the community and the Blurt Foundation for some time, and it concerns the spending of money, or perhaps even embezzlement. In short, BF is developing Blurt on the one hand, and on the other is massively investing very large amounts of money, which disappear by various means, and people who invested in the project are losing a lot of money.

Some people decided to protest against such practices, but they almost lost their accounts, which were supposed to be frozen.

However, the war continues, as the Blurt Foundation wants to continue selling inflation tokens.

Let's create the real FUD

BlurtCreator is a free project, and the data (as you can tell from the source code) is only used to counter bots.

The Blurt Foundation recommends that you buy accounts through with . Who does the money go to? Because it's probably not going to Blockchain, but to private pockets, isn't it?

Why does an account cost , when with 13 Blurt you can create 1 account and top it up with 3 Blurt, costing less than 6 cents?

Who will guarantee me that by registering through JoinBlurt my CVV / CVC and other data will not go to the Blurt Foundation or some other organization that will be able to rob me of all my money?

Who will guarantee that PayPal / Hackers who steal the data will not rob me of my money?

These are questions we will never know the answers to.

Do you want to change Blurt? Fix it? Start by changing the interface and switch to Blurt Latam. This is not the best solution, but it will allow you to partially disconnect from the Blurt Foundation.

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