I Posted On Blurt.blog, And I'm Not At All Impressed

Peggy Marco is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

Today I customized my Blurt.blog channel to the appearance that I wanted it; and I posted my "introduceyourself" article, which was my first Blurt.blog post ever. I thought that this decentralized platform was going to be a godsend. You cannot be voted down there. Everything that needs to be done is done on the writing platform. What more could I have asked for?

Well, as the saying goes, if it's too good to be true, it usually is. After I made my first post on my Blurt.blog channel, I attempted to post a comment to someone else's article; and I got a message that I didn't have enough Blurt digital currency to make any more posts. Then I got a message that I would have to buy additional such digital currency in order to do so.

Now, wait a minute. Here on the Hive platform, you automatically earn Resource Credits with the passage of time so that you can post articles, comments, and whatever you wish to post. It was that way on the Steem writing platform too. So, why is it that the Blurt.blog writing platform doesn't have the same set-up? Not everyone has a disposable income of money to throw away.

Even the HubPages writing platform will never ask you to spend any of your own money in order to publish articles on that site or participate in discussion threads. There is something so MLMish about the Blurt.blog writing platform.

I was looking forward to having a channel on a writing platform where I could take my writing in a slightly different direction. However, my Blurt.blog dream simply died in the wind after realizing that I would have to expend my own money. It's so not fair.

The Blurt.blog writing platform isn't even as user-friendly as that of the PEAKD site of the Hive writing platform. You have to use HTML codes to compose an article, and these codes don't work in harmony with markdown codes. There's simply no advantage to posting articles and comments on the Blurt.blog writing platform.

Overall, you shouldn't even waste your time posting on the Blurt.blog writing platform. You'll spend a bunch of money and likely get nothing back in return. I'm not implying that there are no heavy hitters there. I'm sure there are, but chances are that most of us are not going to be a unicorn who earns a whole bundle on that writing platform.

If you're sitting on a whole pile of money that you inherited from your uncle, Bruce, in Baltimore, then go for it. Otherwise, there are other ways to post articles and earn money without reaching into your deep pockets. If someone can prove me wrong about my observations of the Blurt.blog writing platform, I'd be more than happy to read what they have to say.

As far as I'm concerned, most of you will never get rich on the Blurt.blog writing platform. If you do, then you're a needle in an ocean. Their Quick Start Guide claims that "It is free to post, comment, or vote on all content on blurt.blog." No, it isn't!

I'm not at all impressed with the Blurt.blog writing platform. In fact, I am furious. I wish someone had told me beforehand what they were all about. I am sparing those of you reading my article here a loss of a chunk of your valuable time.

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