I Finally Claimed My Blurt-Blog Account

I finally claimed my Blurt-Blog account. Since 2020 when it was first offered to me, I have been procrastinating on deciding whether or not it was worthwhile. However, claiming it was fast and painless. In fact, I only needed my same passwords that I use for my Hive account and I got into my Blurt-Blog account with no problem at all. I did not need to do anything extraordinary like get a code number sent to me via text message on my cell phone. It was equally as easy as it was when I claimed my Hive account back in 2020. The only regret that I had about claiming my Blurt-Blog account was that I did not do it sooner.

So what happens now? There is a "Welcome To Blurt" page that I need to read from beginning to end before I start posting anything on that writing platform. It would be wise for me to read that entire set of instructions so that I am well informed about how everything is done on the Blurt-Blog writing platform. From what I have read, the rules appear to be similar, if not identical, to those here on the Hive writing platform.

One advantage that I really like about the Blurt-Blog writing platform over the Steem writing platform and the Hive writing platform is that you cannot be down-voted for your articles or your comments. However, your posts can still be flagged as inappropriate. Of course, flagging someone's posts or articles as inappropriate requires someone to have much more substantiated reasons for doing so than merely disliking their content. Anyone can down-vote someone's post on either the Steem writing platform or the Hive writing platform for whatever ridiculous reason, but the Blurt-Blog writing platform doesn't allow for trolls to go surfing around on that platform and down-voting people's posts at random. Therefore, at the end of day, posting on the Blurt-Blog writing platform is a win-win situation for all writers and content creators.

What I really like about the idea about there being no down-voting on the Blurt-Blog writing platform is that I have additional flexibility to post controversial articles without the fear of detrimental backlash. The Steem writing platform and the Hive writing platform don't practice censorship. However, you still have to keep in mind that if you push the boundaries in delivering a narrative of controversial nature on either of those two writing platform, you always run the risk of some hotheaded Puritan flying out of the woodwork and down-voting your article. That is no fun whenever it does happen. Luckily, there are not very many of those on the Steem writing platform or the Hive writing platform, but they 're out there and they're waiting to strike their next victim.

Does the Blurt-Blog writing platform have anything fancy like "3Speak" where you can post videos as you're able to do on YouTube? I haven't yet stumbled across anything of that nature on that writing platform. However, if I do so, I will let you know about it. If you find out about it before I do, please do not hesitate to inform me about it in my comments section below. There are certain types of videos that you cannot post on YouTube that are ideal for "3Speak." If the Blurt-Blog writing platform has an animal like that, then it's even better inasmuch as you don't have to worry about being down-voted in the event that some pollywog or weasel decides to take exception to your content and gets easily offended for some ludicrous reason.

Now comes the question of what I am going to do first on my Blurt-Blog channel. Well, I definitely am going to post an article introducing myself to my fellow writers and content creators on that platform. Wait a minute. I have not selected a user name I'd like to use aside from my main user name "epicenterdefacto."

Here on the Hive writing platform, I'm known as "Spaceship Captain." However, I want to choose a different user name on my Blurt-Blog channel from what I have on my Hive-Blog channel and PEAKD channel. I do have something in mind. Those of you who follow me here on the Hive writing platform will know what user name I will be going by on my Blurt-Blog channel very shortly.

Have any of my articles from my Steem channel and my Hive channel (that is, my Hive-Blog channels and PEAKD channel) been duplicated automatically on my Blurt-Blog channel? Unfortunately, they haven't; and if and when you do claim your Blurt-Blog channel, it will likely be the same situation for you. However, I am not saddened by it, because the kind of articles that I will be posting on my Blurt-Blog channel will be somewhat different from what I post here on my Hive channel. Not having to worry about being down-voted gives me more leeway to voice whatever I want to voice on that writing platform. No harmful pushback means more opportunities to earn money than on other writing platforms and nobody will be losing any money that they would normally lose from down-votes on similar writing platforms.

Of course, I do have to contend with the posts in the comments section of my articles on my Blurt-Blog channel, and anyone who objects to my articles are likely going to be very outspoken with me. Oh, well. You have to take the bitter with the sweet. Overall, I predict that the experience on that writing platform will be a positive one for me.

After claiming my Blurt-Blog channel, I noticed that there were already some Blurt Power and Blurt tokens placed on my account. I am glad about it, because it gives me a head start in building up my earnings. This is going to be an exciting journey for me. I can already feel it. I realize that I can only earn compensation on my articles on that writing platform for seven days after their publication, which is how it is done here on the Hive platform and over on the Steem platform. Once I was fully apprised of what the Blurt-Blog writing platform was all about, I realized that there were going to be a whole host of similarities between it and the Hive platform as well as the Steem platform. Below is a video that explains to you how the Blurt-Blog writing platform works.

Co-founder Ricardo Ferreira Describes The Blurt Social Media Community

If you have not claimed your Blurt-Blog channel, I urge you to do so. I found out about the Blurt-Blog writing platform by accident. At first, I didn't know that I had any Blurt-Blog account to claim, because I did not know that this writing platform had anything to do with the Steem writing platform or the Hive writing platform other than that it uses crypto-currency to pay its writers similarly to the other two writing platforms. I appreciate everyone who has told me about it and has informed about how easy it was to claim.

Now, if you don't have a Steem account or a Hive account, still go through the steps that are outlined on the Blurt-Blog writing platform's Welcome page so that you can start posting articles and comments immediately. If you wish to visit my Blurt-Blog channel, feel free to do so. I always like to have people read my articles and so forth.

I know that on the Steem writing platform, the content creators and writers are called "Steemians." On the Hive writing platform, they are called "Hivers," "Hiverians," "Hiveans," and "Hivians." Did I forget anything? LOL! I haven't figured out yet what the content creators and writers on the Blurt-Blog writing platform are calling themselves these days. Oh, well. As I post on that writing platform, I will figure it out. If you know the answer to my question, feel free to post it in the comments section below.😊

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