Cheeky buggers!!

Yesterday was a funny birds sort of day.

First I woke up to a baby kookaburra laughing. I didn't actually see it but it had a much smaller and cuter laugh than the full size ones.

Then later in the afternoon this happened.

I was sitting outside writing up my garden blog when I noticed these guys fly over the fence.


It's not a rare occurrence. They do the recon sweep quite often but this is the first time I've seen them in the yard while the grow house gate is open and even though I "pssssstd" at them and tried to warn the one who obviously drew the shortest stick, he wandered in anyway ~ as they do...


I watched as it did it's sweep on the ground, I also watched when it jumped on the garden bed to see if there's anything there for him, then I knew... It finally dawned on him... WTF!!!! How do I get out of here?!!

This is the cheeky bugger after it tried to fly out and hit the netting. I'm thinking he needed to gather himself and figure out what the plan was.


I've watched bees and butterflies find their way in the grow house and even though most figure out to fly down where the fence links are bigger they usually take a while before the light bulb flickered.

I couldn't wait for that with the magpie. I could just imagine it panicking and hurting itself and wrecking everything. I had no choice but to mount a rescue mission and open the curtains out wide for him.


Thankfully these birds are quite smart and it didn't take him long before he realised he can walk out.

Note to self. Moving forward. Close the gate when I'm not in the garden.


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