Bloxroute: Scaling Blockchains. Today.

Scaling blockchains. Today

What is bloXroute?

bloXroute aims to solve scalability issues across every blockchain and create an agnostic infrastructure that operates directly under the other cryptocurrencies consensus models. Increasing transactions by a large scale and enables cryptocurrencies to increase their block size and achieve 0-confirmation transactions, all of this without doing any forks of any kind. Nor does it require a consensus change or a protocol change. bloXroute can be deployed by any node as it is indiscriminate and fair to all.

Payments to bloXroute are completely voluntary, yet it incentives miners to require a lower fee. BLXR holders can exchange holdings for a proportionate stake of the BLXR-reserve, funded by 50% of the funds received by bloXroute, which consists of heterogeneous cryptocurrencies.

TLDR : bloXroute does not aim to be the best nor the winner in the scalability race rather it aims to help everyone win and become the underlying infrastructure of scalability.

This is just a short summary, it's always best to do your own research!

Below are some useful links for reference.
Learn more about this project here :
Telegram Community Group :
Whitepaper :

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