

My dear virgin dongsaeng @pangoli created bloglet to motivate lazy ass writers like me to write more and often, not sure what bloglet is but its certainly a good thing and without further ado I present my first bloglet.

And The Parrot Became a Chatterbox

Once upon a time in the animal kingdom lived a parrot, he couldn't talk nor make any sound.

He was so quiet that everybody ignored him, so he kept to himself.

One day the lion king called all the animals to notify them of his daughter that has been coughing for months, and despite all they've done it won't stop.

So he promised to give great wealth to any animal that can bring a cure.

The cat who once met the monkey, one of the greatest herbalist in the kingdom ran to his house in the forest.

The monkey asked him what he would get in return if he gave him the cure, and he promised to share the riches.

The monkey gave him the cure and warned him that the princess must take a sip of the potion each day till she finishes it on the seventh day or the outcome will be dire.

The cat was almost at the village when he decided to stop and eat, that was where the news of the cured princess met him, he threw out the potion he was given in annoyance and trudged home, weeping quietly over the riches he just lost.

The parrot was on his evening stroll when he saw the discharged potion, thinking it was food, he took it home and consumed everything at a go. He went to bed contented and happy.

He woke up the next morning to the sound of his own voice, he was happy that he could finally talk but he soon realized his new found voice is a blessing and a curse as he couldn't stop talking nor stop mimicking the other animals due to the fact that he consumed the potion at once, and that was how the parrot became a chatter box.

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