Please Steemit, Help Me Save A Life.

If you've ever wondered what it feels like to help save a life, now is your chance.

I think I have enough people here on steemit to vouch for me when I say that I like to help people, I have helped people here on steemit whom I have never met, whenever I can, in whatever way I can and I do it because it feels right.

Imagine then please, what lengths I would go to, to help someone very special in my life, someone who has a huge place in my families heart.

Colette Joan Nolen.

Colette is a very special soul, when she smiles the world smiles with her, she has an Irish charm combined with a heart of gold, her warm glowing energy radiates all around her and infects anyone lucky enough to be in her presence.

We first met Colette and her Husband Tim 3 years ago whilst on our travels around Europe, Just like us and our close friends Ash & Sooze, Tim & Colette lived in a tinyhouse and were looking for land to grow their own food, after many late nights discussing our dreams around a camp fire in England all 3 families decided we would set off together on a quest to find the right land upon which we would build an eco-community.

Off we went to Spain.

After 2 miscarriages and many years of trying Tim & Colette were 6 months pregnant and it looked as though this time God would bless them both with a child, on a hot summers day in the South of Spain they gave birth to a beautiful Boy called Zebedee in their tinyhouse, just as planned.

Just when you thought life could not get any better for this beautiful Family the unthinkable happened, within 2 months of having their dream come true Colette would be diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, although this was a shock for everyone, for some reason it felt like just another hurdle that we knew Colette would clear with ease, I had no doubt in my mind that our Irish Angel would overpower this cancer with her smile alone.

After months of aggressive treatment, the hospital in England said they could do no more and that Colette should go home and spend the precious time she had left with her family, by now cancer had taken hold and had spread to her bones and liver.

Most people would at this point accept fate and roll over but not Colette, with her smile and her ever glowing positivity she turned to social media and shared her heart with the world, within no time she had raised enough money to go to Turkey and get a new treatment, This combined with her love for life gave immediate results.

She is succeeding with the cancer but is now losing her battle with finances, as the money is going down the stress is rising, cancer feeds on stress and for the first time I see that my help is needed.

I have now taken it upon myself with the blessing from Colette to relieve her from some of this stress and I am now helping with the financial battle, I truly believe by relieving her from the stress she can concentrate all her energy on overcoming this cancer in her own special way, Colette, is so positive she has chosen to see this cancer as a gift instead of a burden and is going to love it, instead of fighting it.

4 months ago me, @markwhittam and my family found steemit, a place where we could finally tell the world of our transformation from being debt slaves to realizing true freedom, this caring and sharing community has given us so much in the way of encouragement, with your feedback you have strengthened our belief that we are on the right track, you have helped us in so many ways which is why I often give back in the way of donations and support.

It hit me today, that with the money I have in the bank combined with the generosity I have witnessed in this community I believe together we can save a life, a life that my family and this world can not afford to lose.

Please help in any way you can, Please give your upvotes and resteems, anyone who is in a posission to give more than upvotes and resteems please go to Colettes fundraiser page and I will give all the money we have saved for our land, without this women our eco-community will lose its heart, I know I can make back the money again to buy land but if we lose Colette then we lose our dream, Tim and Zebedee lose their rock and world loses its spark.

Anyone who has any doubt about who I am then just go to the bottom of my blog and work your way up, me and my family have shared our lives and plans with this wonderful community and I'm sure you will find the answers to any questions you have about our motives. I have not asked her but I am sure @canadian-coconut who has followed and supported us from day one will confirm we are the real deal.

Feel free to go directly to COLETTES FUNDRAISER and YOUTUBE and give your support in anyway you can, even if its just a comment, I know from personal experience how uplifting your wonderful comments are, and hopefully Colette will become a steemian after feeling the love from you all. Together we can make this a happy ending.

Every single penny and SP raised from upvotes will go directly to Colette.

Colettes Latest poem.

As soon as I open my eyes
These fears arise
Full of mean lies
It's no surprise
I try to ignore them
I try to smile
But I can't
Unable to disguise
These money worries
They assault me in sharp flurries
What, why, who, how
How can I do this
I sit up
Write lists after lists
With ideas and goals
Ways to sell my soul
To stay alive
To prevent my own demise
To continue to rise from the dead
And these thoughts in my head
Scare me today
I have to find a way
To pay
It's like a cruel cosmic joke
That's not funny
My life depends on me making money
I need more cancer treatment
It's working
It should be so simple
Coming back to life
But it's not.

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