20 Minute Blog when I can - The List

20 Minute Blog A Day when I can:

source: pixabay

I started doing this "freewrite" type of blog back when I was posting content daily. It opened up a door for me to write casually without feeling like I needed to put my all into a post. It was a fun way to unleash whatever happened to be on my mind at the time in an informal and unedited sort of way. Typically I would spend hours writing a post, nevermind the hours spent researching whichever topic I planned to discuss. The blog a day idea was like a creative writing assignment I had given myself where I could just let whatever concept I felt like talking about 'come out'.

In honor of that idea I have morphed the concept into a blog when I can - which turns out to be every 6 or 8 months.

Over the past year I have pulled off social media pretty much completely. I used to have a bustling IG page, blogs on Steemit, Wordpress and a few other platforms, creative outlets like Redbubble and Fiver - but now most of my accounts are silent. I do miss the interaction; which is why I ghost in and out on here occasionally.

I still do a lot of learning all by my lonesome but I refrain from writing about it publicly. Anything I could have to say is merely speculation and I don't want to muck up the waters even more with my babbling.

Then I get to this same point, well then, what is the point? What is the point of learning and expanding your consciousness if you're not planning to communicate these thoughts and ideas to others? Others give perspective you cannot attain on your own - there is so much value in individuality. It really is our most sacred resource.

With that said, I hope to spark some motivation within myself to get back into sharing my thoughts on things. Perhaps pick back up where I left off and create more blogs on topics I feel strongly about. Until then I may continue to randomly post 'useless' freewrites on how hard it is for me to write lately. Looking back at my last few posts that seems to be my running theme.. what a shame, honestly. I used to despise these types of posts. I guess all things come full circle in their own way.

I started off thinking I would info dump some of my latest discoveries into this blog because there are just so many things to go over and ask for opinions on - the current events themes are always a hot topic I like to hear other people's points of view on (except the recycled MSM versions of course) I have been ghost-reading a bunch of posts on everything from Assange's arrest to the fires in the Amazon, Epstein to the resurgence of the 9/11 investigations. Of course I have my own thoughts on these more recent atrocities but in general I am on a big picture, farsighted and long run type of route at the present time and I hope to discuss these kinds of things in my (hopefully) upcoming posts.

This post is mostly going to serve as a staple for me to backtrack and stick to during my quest.

Below is a list I'm promising myself to dissect to the best of my ability and until I am satisfied that all reliable resources have been exhausted. Hopefully as I gain more motivational traction I will write more and be able to share in posts what I have already learned and discuss it with the people on here because I do value a great many of you and your opinions.

The List:

  • Sound, vibration, harmonics: from healing to harming
  • Frequency and sacred geometry, vector math and possibly other dimensions
  • Water: lies and mysteries
  • The need for greed and the domination dilemma
  • The Slave concept - how the fuck did this even become a thing?
  • Stolen history and the manipulation of common knowledge
  • Is the English language really dumbing us down? Etymology and the control of words.
  • Ancient one world culture - Tartaria, Atlantis, Annunaki
  • Cartography and navigation : Sea and Sky exploration
  • P.S. I think Energy Vampires may run our world

These are umbrella topics which I'm sure all intersect in some way. The concepts run through what we know of history and are all still measurable and current in today's world. As I mentioned earlier I plan to dedicate at least one post to each of these subjects in the near future. Some I have a decent head start on already but some I am just beginning on the quest for further knowledge. I would greatly appreciate any info or comments on the topics above.

As always thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my post <3

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