Your Emotions

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I've always wondered; why do people, who were so much in love, start hating each other? Where did all the love go?
I read somewhere, that love is blind. So, I guess love eventually got it's sight back.
Love is an emotion, and emotions really doesn't last. People don't get angry forever, People feel happy, but their mood can change like turning a switch on and off. Fear; you may feel frightened for a second, that too doesn't last.
Love like anger, happiness, and fear is an emotion.

I heard someone say,

"emotions are good followers but bad leaders".

He couldn't have said it better. Emotions don't think, it does what ever it feels like without seeing or weighing the consequences.

Let's talk about love.

Guy meets girl or girl meets guy. She is pretty, lovely, all physical features she possesses fits his description of a perfect spouse. You're blown away or what some would call swept off your feet. Before you know it, love just happens.
Same goes for him; tall, handsome, six or two packs, has an amazing smile, fits perfectly into her description of an ideal guy. Before you know it, you fall in love.
That's a typical example of emotions at work. Without thinking; who is this person really, where does he or she come from, attractive yes, but what characters and habits do they have, what are their inclinations, are they going my direction in life, can i be able to live with them, do they share my faith etc, they just fall all over.
Few months or weeks down the line, reality checks in, all those sweet, mushy feelings evaporates, your eyes are open; you start seeing things you don't like, he or she starts showing some character that doesn't go well with you. The hatred and dislike starts creeping in, before you know it; you just can't stand that person.
Most times against our parents' or friends' advice we carry on with a relationship with somebody you just met. This is a typical example of emotions being a bad leader.

About anger

Anger is an inevitable emotion. People won't fail to annoy you, especially your loved ones. When angered, some people just flare up; they open their mouth and the things they release are very lethal, things that could destroy relationships, that could lead people to suicide, and ruin lives. Others, fueled by anger, beat and destroy. Typical example of emotions taking the lead.

let your brain lead, emotions should be carried along. When you meet someone, their attitudes and inclinations, whether good or bad, should determine your relationship with, not what you feel or don't feel. Just because a dog looks so adorable or sweet, doesn't make you date it. A dog is a dog, no matter how cute or adorable. Your brain should be able to differentiate a dog from a human. Emotion doesn't care if it is a dog or a human, it just goes for it.

When you're angry, let your mind be in full control, think of the consequences of your actions before you carry them out. Don't respond too quickly, your first response, when you're angry, is not usually the best response. If you slow down the response, you can slow down the anger. Emotion doesn't care about consequence. It just does whatever it feels like.
Same goes for other forms of emotion.

You should learn by practice, how to balance your emotions. Don't let it lead, rather carry it along.



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