The misconceptions that surround our daily lives [PART-2]

Hello guys, I hope everything going so well. Last night i post The misconceptions that surround our daily lives [PART-1] & Today i am going to post second part of The misconceptions that surround our daily lives. Let me know on my comment box if you like that.

7. Curd helps digestion


A diet very well-known for curding digestion and weight loss. We also see at various events, after the meal, curd as a sweet confection. Because many people have established digestion with digestion. But this idea is actually wrong. Milk is made from curd, causing bacterial infections in milk. So it can be said. Yogurt helps in the formation of a good quality bacterial attack. We have enough bacteria in our bodies, so what is the benefit of increasing bacteria by eating yogurt? Again, curd is a sweet food that will increase the amount of sugar in the body. So curd does not actually help reduce digestion or weight.

8.Dinnertime increases weight


In the words, "eat like a king, in the morning, eat like a prince in the afternoon, and eat at night like the people." But in the case of the weight it does not fit at all. Regardless of whether or not to eat all day, weight will depend on how much physical work has been done all day, on top of how many calories burned. The weight that will increase in the night or at noon will increase, but not so much.

9.Milk is a delicate food for everyone


We all know that milk fills us with the lack of calcium and vitamin D in our body. But recently, studies have shown that there is no relation to the increase in calcium or bone strength of our body with milk. Many people may have acidity problems due to the use of hot milk. So milk is not really good for everyone.

10.There are people in 5 sense


Since childhood, we have come to know that five senses of man Those who have the presence of the sixth sense, have the ability to guess. But these assumptions are wrong. People have at least 20 different types of senses. The senses of feeling like any pain, any temperature etc. The number of senses in animals is much higher than that of humans. Many animals can feel the magnets of the earth.

11.Blind people can not see anything


The idea that the blind always see darkness is wrong. The blind often see the dirty part of the light, and they can see different shapes. Only darkness is their life, this idea is wrong.

12. Our tongue is divided into 4 parts


Many of us have heard that our tongue is divided into four parts and in different parts, different test baths help us to taste differently. Sweet, sour, saline and bitter taste makes us feel 4 parts of our tongue. But this concept is also completely wrong. Thousands of test boots work together in our tongue. If you do not believe, you can check one pinch of salt in one part of the tongue. Only one part of this salinity will end this prejudice with the tongue.

13. Everyday 6 hours sleep is enough


It was enough to sleep for 6 hours in the primitive period, because our forefathers used to spend many days of day sleeping and not sleeping. Many people still think that a person needs to sleep for 6 hours. But in this mechanical life, it is not enough for us to sleep for 6 hours. At least 8-10 hours of sleep is needed in this era because we do not have complete sleep, it may be due to different considerations. Besides, it does not sleep well due to the city's light or words. So if you do not sleep for 8-10 hours, the body will become weak shortly.

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