How the Aeroplanes comes into being PART:1

Is anybody realise or think how the aeroplanes comes into being.May be not may be yes but I think about it recently I was thinking what i have to write about and result is I come on the topic "How the aeroplanes comes in to being.

Let's start the journey that it is almost 2000 years ago that such a kind of kites try to fly in the air by the idea exploring and watching the birds. Is it I am right.The idea of kite is almost from the China Era around hundred years ago.Then is getting famous and spread throughout the world.It is idea that like birds human beings also can fly in the air.In the past the Leonardo da Vinci come with the idea that some fly can along with each other , he has done some work but not proceed because he has'nt finish it research work fully.

History is full of experiments in many ways.In the 18th century when the Hydrogen gas get discovered it leads to the design and development of the hydrogen balloon that can fly in the air with the bunch of people in the bucket attached at the bottom of the balloon.

In the time being the two brothers named Montgolfier placed more research the hot air balloon idea.The concept is to fill the hot air in the balloon ore and more the balloon fly higher and higher.This concept is co-relate with the theory of the Newton's law of motion.


After this big achievement people are using the hot air balloon for the civil services and common people and the military services at the end of 18th century.After all that French government taking interest in it.

Now I come on the topic how's this aviation field come into being.Later on glider is the term used for further development.Many experiments take place during all the development with the gliders.In the early 20th century authorities advance to the engine technology and the theories makes it possible to the air born the flights in the air.


The first modern and developed aeroplane with its all the characteristics in 1909 and then the bright future just start to grow for the aeroplanes.

     ""These all the advancement in the aeroplane like ("dinosaur's creature")
       term by my self is the efforts of the Ferdinand von Zeppelin.""

In the 1930 these flight aeroplanes get famous throughtout the world.After the World War II all the flying boats are replaced by the land aeroplane and the most powerful jet engine aeroplanes takes the ride on this world for civil travel and the military purposes.At the early ages the experiments have taken place let me acknowledge you all.

"Tower Jumping" is the first one who has taken place on this earth to make aeroplane or the concept of human being can fly also like cute birds.Mankind always try to do something big and different from all.

In the past time man try to fly like bird by observing and designing the wings by watching the birds flying and taking sharp turn by their head turn and tail turn and many more.After all his preparation he wore the stuff and jump down from the tower to take mankind to the another world the world of " air and clouds".The two were the first who take these steps ""Daedalus and Icarus.And the later sign
come from the India, China and many other states. Like you know new invention always comes with the disaster , death and injuries to the mankind.The first "Tower Jump" was recorded in 852 AD. The Armen Firman was the first who take this step after him "Cordoba was the other one who try this one.Then later on in 1811 Albrecht Berblinger done the athlitism.

 ""Kites some says the kite is the first kind of the man kind aircraft.In the early ages is was developed 
    by the  "Mozi and Lu Ban" in the China as in the 5th century BC. Then the later designs of flying 
    insects ,birds and othe insects."" 

""In the ancient time chinese scientist used kites to measure the distances.Any of you imagine that
how the kites are come into being and the strange thing is people use is measure the distances.It
is also used to measure the wind speed signals and many other experiments done using strings and



Then the kite concept is spread throughout the world ad when it is introduced in the India and
other countries it becomes a game and use to said fightergame to cut down the opponent kite using the shap threads and string.

""Hot Air Balloons"" The ancient time research shows that hot air always rises high in the sky.The chinese people have taken the measurements that small balloon get high in the sky by filling up it with the hot air called "sky lantern". A sky balloon is made up of paper including a small lamp in it.
When the lamp start lighten up the hot air start building from the lantern and filling the paper balloon that start producing lift to the balloon that takes it to high to the sky.The man clarify that these hot air balloon are famous in the China since 3rd century.His name is Joseph Needham.



Picture reference goes to the google.......
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