Life 13 months on...

What a crazy 13 months it has been!

This time last year I was frustrated and feverishly working towards the end of my Psychology undergrad degree whilst battling pretty poor health due to a myriad of reasons. Who would have thought by the end of March 2018 I would walk straight into a job with the dust barely settled on my studies. I can report that I am still employed by that organisation and my situation has drastically improved both health-wise and financially. Now, almost 13 months since then I sit here awaiting the commencement date of my position in postgraduate Psychology studies.

When I began the undergrad Psychology degree my intention was purely to remove myself from a career path I had simply fell into from a young age which whilst supplying a steady income; the long term prospects were nothing to write home about. There were some dark days during the time it took to complete the undergrad degree which ultimately continued into the months ensuing.

My main priorities right now are to remain employed whilst undertaking postgrad studies, continue to knock over my ever-shrinking mortgage and to remain motivated to journey further towards realizing my full potential (whatever that may actually be I have no idea).

I guess I am someone who hates when people give advice over the internet. It always seems patronizing and over generalized to me... But if I could offer some words of advice to anyone reading it would be this. Don't settle for the situation you find yourself in currently, times change and EVERYONE has the capability to change their lives. Don't sit around waiting for someone to change your life, do it for yourself today.

Cheers, thanks for reading.

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