Blog Update - Upcoming Projects, Weekly Advice, and More (08/03/17)

         I haven't really been posting like I have wanted to this past week, mainly due to a lack in material that I feel is worth my time to make articles about. There's been all kinds of crap going on with Trump, with the Blockchain fork, and all of that good mess, but I really couldn't care less about any of it. People have already covered the BCC vs BTC deal and the speculation that comes with all of it and the Trump nonsense about the leaked phone calls is tabloid garbage that has been rehashed from when it was suspected that the Obama administration had the White House phones tapped for when Trump got into office.

         Putting all of that aside, I will have another 'Weekly Advice for Day-To-Day Life' up tomorrow for your reading pleasures. I'll refrain from talking about what the subject matter is going to be about, since I prefer those things to be more of a surprise than for me to announce what it's going to be every week. However, if any of my readers would like to give suggestions for any future 'Weekly Advice' articles or any other articles, please feel free to tell me in the comments section of any of my articles and I will gladly take it into consideration.

         I am also working on a written interview that I've conducted with a fellow user. We're going to be talking about homeschooling and the impact that it has on children versus public school education, so I'm very much looking forward to publishing that in the near future. I don't have any other interviews lined up yet, but I have a few ideas about who I might try to get interviews with. If you guys want to see any interviews between me and someone else that you have in mind, let me know and I'll see if I can get something worked out.

         Beyond that, all is quiet on the western front for myself. I've been reading through and reflecting on passages from the Tao Te Ching just to give myself something extra to do. It's been a fairly enlightening and therapeutic process to go through the book, decipher what some of the passages mean, and apply those meanings to my own life and disposition. I've also been enjoying watching the new season of Rick and Morty that's started to air on Sundays. I've contemplated doing an article on Rick and Morty, specifically how Rick could be perceived as an Anarchist, if not an Agorist. It would take quite a while for me to do, but I feel like an article like that would be premature, given where the story is currently at with Rick Sanchez and the development of his character.

         I'd like to thank everyone that's given me a lot of love and support as of late, I always appreciate the up-votes and whenever my content gets shared on Steemit or Minds. I'm looking forward to further expanding the brand I've got going on with VolAnarchist and watching the gradual evolution of my online presence. One thing I am working towards is getting an external microphone so that way I can feel comfortable doing podcasts again. The way that I did it before on was that I would use an app on my phone to record my voice, e-mail the audio file to myself, then edit and upload the video. It's definitely not what I'm used to doing, nor am I particularly comfortable with it or proud of that kind of work, but I'm going to work on getting better equipment for me to use in the future!

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