
We went on a dinner with my friends to celebrate the successful events during the PALAKASAN. It was also a time for us to share our stories during the said event because we were all busy the entire week. Since we didn't take part in the same event in PALAKASAN we really missed each other. We ate at one of the newest restaurants in town that is very affordable and worth it. After all the sharing and talks, we bid goodbyes.

I was on my way home when I saw a familiar face riding on a motorcycle. He was with a girl. Both are familiar to me until I realized it was him. I don't know how to feel or what to feel. Maybe, the pain's still there. As I arrived home, I immediately grabbed my laptop, turned it on, type Youtube and searched for 12:51 by Krissy and Ericka. I chose the song because it just fits my mood now. The lyrics strike me so hard that it hurts. The way it was sang was painful too. If you have time and is going through something like mine just listen to 12:51. Surely you'll be sadder than you ever thought.

PS: I just screenshot the photo from Youtube.

(c) Youtube


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