Happy to be of A$$i$tance, How can I help?

I like to help and this is just the type of person I am

There are many new users on Steemit who really want to understand everything right this second. Like every new user there is a long period that must take place and once this is complete things will start to make more sense. Get your feet wet and keep them wet and allow the willing people to help you once you've begged for help. Contiuing to beg for help rather than follow some direction never helps, you are not required to follow instructions, the alternative is to do it alone.

The choice to go at it alone can be filled with uncertainly, this is not to say you can't succeed on your own but the fact that we all are here to help each other defeats this way of thinking. Even if you can do it alone, what's the point?

Picture 1.jpg

This is me doing it alone and you can see how lost I am.


This is you doing it with the help of the community here on Steemit and using the tools. You notice I had to source this photo because I am a glutton for punishment and rarely ask for help, therefor I didn't have a photo of me helping others or them helping me. I suggest you do whatever is necessary to achieve your goals without stepping on toes here on Steemit, pay attention and learn.

My journey here on Steemit has been a huge learning curve that has allowed me to learn avenues of communications with my fellow Steemian all across the world and has changed my life in many ways, I am still trying to discern all the changes that have come but they are complicated just like the journey you are on. My discord is always available for questions and upvotes in my post promotion section if you are willing to engage and work hard, I am willing to take my time to help you help yourself. You must be a willing participant because the sacrifice it takes to become successful on Steemit is huge, for some it may not be, but for me it is.

Keep working hard and asking for help without begging in the comment sections, this is a better place to engage the author and get his attention. I really try and make it easy to be engaged and you will find this attitude and you will also find people unwilling, it's all fine. Build your own world on the Steemit platform and transform your life. Thanks for following and continued support.

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