How To Find Inspiration


When it comes to writing music, finding inspiration can be one of the biggest roadblocks an artist faces. Especially if you're staring at a blank screen, sometimes figuring out where to begin can seem impossible. So here are a few secrets to finding that elusive spark of inspiration.

Secret 1: Start Writing Anything

This may sound a little silly, but if you are struggling to start a song, sometimes all you need to do is start writing a few notes. I would pick your favorite key; my two favorites are A minor and A# minor. And if you are new to producing, I would probably stick with A minor because it's all the white keys. But once you figure that out, start putting anything down on the screen.

I personally begin by writing a melody. I know several people that will begin with a chord progression, but one thing I've noticed when they do that is they follow the same exact progressions (though in different keys). These standard progressions do not allow for much variation form song to song, and many songs produced this way end up sounding pretty similar to one another. I believe starting by writing a unique melody helps you to write harmonies that fit the song better.

Secret 2: Listen To Your Favorite Song

If you're writing music, I think it's safe to say that you love music! If I'm being honest, I'd say I have about twenty favorite songs. Which song is my favorite at any given time really depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes when I'm looking for inspiration, I'll open my library and listen to one of my favorite songs.

I believe finding inspiration through listening is effective for a couple different reasons. The first reason is that it will put you in the "zone". Whenever I listen to music I really like, I get extremely hype and get dozens of ideas flowing through my head. But when you listen to your favorite song, it can help you identify what instruments you want to use in your production. And from my experience, once I figure out what I want my sonic palette to be, it really helps me start my song.

Secret 3: Turn Off Your Computer And Go Do Something

This may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes you really just need to step away from your computer and take a step back so you can move forward. Currently, I'm challenging myself to produce a brand new song every week, and sometimes turning my computer off and doing something else, anything else, besides writing music is exactly what I need to move forward.

The reason for this is simple; if you actually spend some time doing something new or exciting, you're going to have inspiration. If the first two secrets just aren't working for you, try the third, then go back to your computer a little later and see what happens!

In Conclusion

Music is both a passion and an art. It requires a huge amount of time to excel at creating it. But every struggle you go through will magically be okay once you finish your song. I can't express how many times I've been frustrated because I couldn't think of what to write or even what style I wanted to produce in. But I eventually found my way, and I hope you can too!

Let me know if you have any tips that help with your inspiration as well!

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