A Break From Social Media


It's been a while since I've posted on Steemit, or any social media. I ultimately found myself spending all of my free time in front of the computer and not really doing anything else, so I decided to take a needed break from social media. And I have to say, after spending some time away from the computer screen, I feel amazing and refreshed!

Last week I really made it a point to catch up with several of my friends that I haven't seen in a while. And it was absolutely fantastic hanging out with everyone again! I did show a few friends Steemit that I feel would do amazing on this platform, so hopefully they decide to join!

I did work on a new song that I'm extremely excited to finish! Unfortunately this one will take a while because I'm working on adding vocals to the track as well (and I have pretty much no experience working with vocals). I decided to do this because one recommendation a lot of people have given me was to add vocals to my tracks. And I'll be honest, I have always shied away from that idea because I have always been afraid to try it. But I also decided that it would be good to get out of my comfort zone and try something new!

I'm currently trying to learn how to process vocals and they are definitely not blending as well as I'd like. I'm currently working with a few different sample packs I bought that had a dry version and wet version of different phrases. I'm trying to make the dry version sound like the wet version. I figured that this would be the most practical way for me to learn. Hopefully I will be able to get it right, but I'm currently having trouble with the spacial effects (delay and reverb). So if anyone has any tips on how to process vocals, please let me know!

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