You Don't Need to be an Artist to Create art:

How many of you are guilty of the phrase:

"Oh no, I can't draw."


"I suck at art!"

I know I have made those comments plenty of times.

Now, don't get me wrong. I absolutely admire artists who have a natural gift in creating beautiful artwork. However, the point I'm tackling here is that you don't need to have any natural gift to create art.

Despite what our minds want us to believe, it is actually okay for us to create art without it being technically accurate or "beautiful". We are all our harshest critics and judge ourselves probably far worse than most people would. When we make judgements on our creative creations we can lose the enjoyment that it gives us. Rather than enjoying the moment it then becomes a means to an end.

When you change your perspective and begin to create art for the sake of enjoyment, it then becomes a meditative practice. As well as that, you never know who may enjoy something that you have created!

Some wonderful times I've had have been finger painting random patterns onto paper and just letting the creativity flow out. Other times I've sat and drawn for hours, line after line with a pen on paper.

So next time someone asks you if you want to join in on painting, drawing, colouring or any form of visual art - don't be so hard on yourself and just create out of pure enjoyment. You never know, you may be the next Picasso!

There is nothing more beautiful than letting your hair down and allowing your creativity to run free. It can be useful as a form of meditation and can be excellent in relieving stress.

Who said kids are the only ones allowed to finger paint and colour in?


Here are some of my meditative drawings. I hope you enjoy them & if not, I enjoyed creating them & that's the main thing ;)

(The eye of Horus x Medusa)

(Scales of Leaves)

Looking forward to seeing anyone's scribbles and drawings or finger painting creations in the comments!

Does anyone have any art they'd like to share?

- viazenar


For more self-development articles, original poetry & quotes please follow @viazenar

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