The TRUTH about "Conspiracy Theories" EXPOSED!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are of the author and may differ from your opinions. If you do not agree with the opinions in this post "I feel sorry for you!".

What is a "Conspiracy Theory"?

The generally accepted answer is: Any theory that is either a.) Not accepted by mainstream science or b.) Lacking a preposterous amount of substantiating proof. There in lies the problem, Science in General doesn't work like that. In a true scientific approach you come up with a theory - that theory is then but TRUE and FALSE until someone proves it one way or the other then another source proves it with the same result. Science in many ways works like Schrödinger's cat. If you place a Cat in a sealed box the question becomes is the cat alive or not and the only way to answer the Theory is to open the box. As long as the box is sealed the cat is both Alive and Dead but once the box is opened the cat is either Alive or is Dead. So how come when someone, other than a mainstream scientist, has a theory it is automatically labeled "Conspiracy Theory" and all evidence to substantiate the theory is immediately discounted or considered "fake"?

Closed Minded Culture!

The simple fact of the matter is that the Scientific Community, especially, and the General Public are typically "Closed Minded". It is easier to discount things you do not know about or understand than it is to take the time to learn and investigate for yourself......or to simply believe in the possibility until it is PROVEN or DISPROVEN. It isn't just in Theories that this happens, sadly. Racism, Bigotry, Gender Bias, Sexual Orientation Bias, Religious Bias are all examples of this same mindset which is way more prevalent in society than anyone cares to admit.

Proof of Closed Minded Bias!

One of the easiest ways to prove this culture exists and is wide spread is to look at recent scientific discoveries. For Thousands of years scientists have been "Screaming" that ALL DINOSAURS ARE EXTINCT. Even when they discover animals like the "Komodo Dragon", the "Cayman" (Giant Crocodile in South America) and numerous other species that they themselves describe as "Dinosaurs" or "Descendants of Dinosaurs" they still refuse to change their minds about "ALL DINOSAURS ARE EXTINCT".

For thousands of years scientists claimed that "humans are the only intelligent species to ever inhabit Earth" yet we know for a fact, today, that there where at least 6 other humanoid "intelligent" species of Humanoids to have inhabited Earth in the past. We know for a fact that many Primate Species and Mammal Species are highly intelligent like Orca's, Dolphins, Bonobo's, Gorilla's, etc.

For several thousand years Scientists have screamed that Egyptians built the Pyramids (of Giza) around 2000-3000 BC. Now they are slowly starting to admit that the Pyramids are insanely older than 5000 years and not built by Egyptians all though they won't actually say who/what built them, yet. Same goes with every other ancient monument on Earth none of which where likely built by the human inhabitants of the area at the time they where built.

Common "Conspiracy Theories" that COULD be TRUE if SCIENCE would properly INVESTIGATE!

Below is a collection of frequently labeled "Conspiracy Theories" that have yet to be SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN or DISPROVEN that I personally believe are TRUE!

Bigfoot: Through out the last few thousands years there have been tens of thousands of "sightings" and "encounters" all over this planet with "ape like" creatures standing erect like humans. They range in size (depending on the region of Earth they reside in" from 4 feet tall to over 12 feet tall. They are frequently sighting in North America (northern USA and Canada), Europe, Russia, Asia and have even been sightings in Australia, Africa and Central/South America.

Loch Ness Monster: It isn't just sightings in Loch Ness, Scotland either. There are lakes all over the Northern Hemisphere of Earth where "Nessie" like creatures have been spotted. Could these be prehistoric dinosaur creatures that lived deep in these lakes miles below the Ice Caps that once covered them and killed most dinosaurs (and other life) on Earth?

Kennedy Assassination, 9/11, Sandy Hook where all Government Controlled and Instituted Inside Jobs: Ok I am probably going to get flamed for this one, but look into them yourselves. There is a preposterous amount of evidence that substantiates, at the very least, the "Official Story" is complete and utter bullshit. The "TRUTH" will likely never "be admitted" but the "OFFICIAL STORY" is no where near the "TRUTH".

No human has ever left LOW EARTH ORBIT!: Yeah I just said the "moon landings" are fake. I don't believe that we ever had the technology to "send humans through the Van Allen Radiation Belt(s) and back safely" and that NASA somehow "lost that technology" as they have claimed repeatedly. Furthermore I don't believe the "Van Allen Radiation Belts" (two that we know of) are Natural. I believe they were created by SOMEONE or SOMETHING to keep us ON EARTH.

Humans are not the ONLY sentient, intelligent species currently living on Earth!: If "BIGFOOT" does exist then this theory is instantly proven. But what about the Reptilian species that supposedly lives Under Ground and can make us SEE THEM as Human when we do run into one of them? What about the myriad of "Alien Life" that is purported to be living on Earth or Visiting Earth.....most of whom either look Human or have the ability to make us SEE THEM as HUMAN? What about ancient civilizations we believe once existed like "Atlantis" that where so far advanced that they most likely were not humans?


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