﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY? I have a secret I have kept my whole life, now I am going to tell everyone on Steemit! ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?

What I have that most people don't!

For as long as I can remember I have had the ability to speak to the "dearly almost departed". Some of you may know them as Ghosts. They are those whose souls are in turmoil at the time of their death. People who have unfinished business and are unable to cross-over until it is resolved. For most of those people it is an eternity of grief and misfortune. Most of them never even realize they are dead.

When I was about 3 years old I saw my first "ghost" and it scared the living hell out of me. I knew it wasn't "alive" but my brain had no point of reference to explain what the hell I was seeing. I knew I couldn't tell anyone, for fear they would think I was a liar, imaginative or just off my rocker "crazy". Once I saw the first one they where every where. I couldn't escape them. Gradually over time I learned to "ignore them" or "tune them out".

Until I was roughly 8 years old. My mother and I had moved into one half of a Duplex two houses up the street from my godfather. It was just before Thanksgiving which the three of us celebrated together. A few nights later I awake in the middle of the night to 5 or 6 ghostly figures that I thought were aliens (at the time) standing around my bed. I could tell they were trying to talk to me but in my fear my hearing and voice had both failed me instantly. It would be over 20 years from that night before I finally realized exactly what had happened. The next day my mother and I moved back in with my Godfather. I didn't know it at the time but she heard them talking to me.

A few weeks later a new family moved into that duplex and their first night they all died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Turns out the spirits where trying to save my life (and did) but where unable to warn the new family. That wasn't even the first time my life had been saved by some weird occurrence.

Ever sense then I have encountered hundreds, maybe even thousands, of spirits. Most of the time I just ignore them. However, there have been numerous occasions where they would not "go silent into the night" and forced me to interact with them. Through those experiences helping ghosts resolve their issues so they could pass on I have had the opportunity to see (and in a few cases) travel to the other side for a brief stay. I have had the fortune to travel to both "heaven" and "hell" throughout these experiences and I can tell you, unequivocally that there is very little difference between them....at least on first glance.

I would even venture so far as to say that they are "one in the same". Meaning there is no Heaven AND Hell. Just an afterlife, one where your life and who you are determines and shapes the reality of your next life. It is much like being alive, here and now. Your actions and behaviors, your thoughts and intentions set your reality; mold the world around you. If you are a good person who is for the most part happy you will foster that type of reality; if you are an evil person who is always sad then that will be your reality.

Chance Encounters

First Type: Ghouls

You know how everyone has lines in the palms of their hands. Well most of my childhood and even into my early teens I had those lines in the skin on the back of my neck. They were unusual in that they actually where in the shape of "666". Virtually every man in my family was a Preacher of some sort and for most of my childhood my mother would not allow my hair to be cut. I didn't even put the two together until recently but now I have to wonder if she was secretly trying to protect me.

There were a few instances in my childhood where I came face to face with Ghouls. Demons who take on human form and terrorize the weak of mind or spirit. While I was never a "target" of their handy work I did have the misfortune of witnessing them in action on more than one occasion. Unlike Ghosts who are a mist or shadow of their former selves; ghouls can interact with matter of all forms and do things that are inhuman while doing so. Haunted houses (real ones) where doors open and close, lights go on and off, etc. are not inhabited by ghosts; they are haunted by Ghouls. The most evil souls who either a.) did not pass on upon their death (this is the most common type, at least with haunted houses) or b.) Escaped the afterlife and returned to our realm of existence to wreak havoc whenever and wherever they can.

Second Type: Mermaids/Mermen

All my life I have felt a close affinity with Dolphins and rarely has their been a chance for me to swim with them that I did not take it. When I was in my late teens I lived in Daytona Beach, FL and would go to the beach every day and swim almost a mile out into the Atlantic Ocean to a sand bar (passed the shipping channel) to play with the Dolphins when they would come down the sand bar feeding on fish they had schooled into the shallow waters (about 3-4 feet average depth). Almost every day two or three of them would break away from the pod and come play with me. I would grab their dorsal fin and they would swim me around, talking like I was one of them.

One day I was spent way more time than normal playing with them and when I started swimming back to shore it was almost dark and I was exhausted. When I hit the currents in the shipping channel I cramped up and got sucked into the current. I have shared this story a few times in my life but have always left out the middle section. I normally tell people that I awoke on the beach hours later in Cocoa Beach, FL thirty some odd miles south of Daytona Beach. In all truth I did awake on the beach hours later. But what happened between getting swept under and awaking on the beach I have never shared with anyone.

I had been under for several minutes and was just about to pass out when I saw her. A beautiful red-haired mermaid swimming towards me like a jet flying under water. She was swimming so fast I could hear her coming before I ever saw her. Before she arrived to me I passed out. When I awoke I was being drug onto dry land by a couple guys, but they didn't look like any men I had ever met, then she disappeared under water and came flying out of the water a few seconds later, landing on dry land with legs and looking like a woman; a very beautiful woman I might add.

Before I had fully regained my composure I heard her start talking to me. At first it was all some foreign language I didn't understand but slowly her words began to make sense to me. She told me that she had taken me to the home of her people and that I should go with her to meet them. Still weak and barely able to stand she helped me to my feet and slowly began walking me through a labyrinth of caves until we reached a massive cave that had a massive city inside of it. As we walked she told me that her people had lived in a "city under the sea" for over 10,000 years and that they rarely ever ventured out of the city. I was one of only a few outsiders to have ever visited and that the last one was over 1,000 years ago.

After a few hours, some food and drink and lots of conversation she escorted me back to the small cave we had entered the city from. As we neared the water she told me to hold my breathe and she grabbed my hand. Before I even knew what had happened we were in the water and she was swimming as fast as she could, dragging me along behind her. Every minute or two she would surface and let me catch my breathe before taking off again. She swam me around in circles for a while then stayed under a little longer than I could handle and I passed out again. When I awoke I was laying on the beach in Cocoa Beach, FL.

Third Type: ET's (Extraterrestrials)

I am not going to say too much about them here as I will explain more later in this post. I will say that I have met Aliens, Ate with Aliens, Flown in an Alien Space ship, visited Alien Worlds and on one occasion spent several weeks on an alien world fornicating.....alot!

Extra Sensory Abilities

First Type: Telepathy

Telepathy is commonly known as Mind-Reading. It is the ability to tune your brain waves to synchronize with someone else's brain waves. Thereby allowing you to see and hear what they are thinking. There have only ever been a few people I have had any success with this, but there have been a few. One of those was my now ex-wife. When we first met in 1992 I instantly tuned to her and even from 2500 miles distance I could see and hear everything she thought or did.

Second Type: Telekenesis

Telekenesis is the ability to move, mold or manipulate objects with nothing but the power of your mind. For a very brief period when I was 12 years old I had the ability to move copper (Pennies) with just my thoughts. I could make them fly around, spin, lay down, stand up and was even able to fuse multiple pennies together with nothing but thought. This only lasted a few days but was observed and documented by my school counselor in Middle School and witnessed by a class room full of other kids.

Third Type: Telepresence

There is no clear cut term for the two abilities I am about to describe so I chose my own name. Telepresence is the ability to relocate (teleport) either your consciousness or your entire being from one place to another. I first discovered this was possible at thirteen years old. I was in a foster family home that had promised to take me to NYC for the New Years Eve Celebration at Times Square. However, the state of Georgia would not allow them to take me out of state. Pissed off on Dec. 31st I went to bed and all I could think about was being in Times Square. When I fell asleep I was so focused on Time Square that I awoke a few minutes later, standing in Time Square wearing nothing but my damn underwear. My foster family had to wire me money and buy me a plane ticket back to Georgia. When I arrived back not a word was ever spoken of what had happened and to the best of my knowledge they never told anyone about it.

The experience while terrifying was also exhilarating and I wanted more. I wanted to do it again. I didn't want to get Stuck somewhere though so I tried every night to focus on a place but only wanted to see it as an outside observer. Like I was watching it on television. I was able to routinely (about once a week) view other places as if I was there. I saw Paris, Amsterdam, Easter Island and many other places by projecting my consciousness to those places.

One night after watching a Sci-Fi alien flick I decided to see if I could "find" an inhabited alien world. Completely oblivious to how to "locate" one I decided I would imagine what I thought one would look like and see if I could project my consciousness out far enough to find a similar world. On the very first try I located a planet in a Trinary Solar System. Well actually that isn't entirely accurate. The planet was located in a Solar System with two suns of it's own, but that solar system was in a symbiotic dance with another solar system that also had a sun. The two solar systems rotated around each other and for parts of the year the planet I found had three suns visible in the sky.

The planet was almost entirely populated by women and the few men that were there were treated like absolute royalty. I was so enthralled by what I saw of the planet the first night that I went to bed the following night determined to return to that planet, but in my excitement to visit the planet again I concentrated too hard and teleported my entire being to the planet. I arrived in the city center of the capital and was immediately surrounded by about 30 beautiful alien women. For about two weeks I was waited on hand and foot. Every desire was met, usually before I even thought it. There was a nonstop stream of horny alien women who came to service me, often times three or four at a time. During these fornication's I managed to learn that a genetic mutation had caused almost all male births to be still born. I also learned that they were extremely technologically advanced but chose to live a simpler life that reminded me of what I envision Ancient Rome looking like. There were signs of technology around but it was fairly well hidden.

That was until I told them I needed to return to Earth but that I was unable to do so. Immediately upon telling them I was escorted into a high tech medical facility. They took blood, hair and skin samples from me and did a full genetic workup on me. They kept taking blood samples and semen samples for several days until they were satisfied they had enough supply to introduce new genetic material into their population and hopefully overcome the genetic mutation they had been plagued with by 10,000+ years. Once they finished their testing and collecting they escorted me to a secret base in the mountains and boarded me onto a Space ship. While they weren't willing to share any technology with me, or even really discuss their technology with me I can tell you we passed numerous galaxies on the way back to Earth. I have no clue how the ship functioned but I could see star systems come and go every few minutes for almost a week until we reached Earth.

Several years later I managed to Remote View the planet once again and there were tens of thousands of male babies in the capital city. I like to think they where because of me, to think I have thousands or maybe even millions of offspring living on a planet hundreds of millions of light years away from Earth.

Fourth Type: Pre-Sight

Pre-sight is the name I have chosen for my latest ability. The ability I have been experiencing for the last few days. I have never had this ability before and honestly it is the first new ability to manifest in almost 30 years. In many ways it is similar to Remote Viewing but instead of seeing other places I am seeing other times. More specifically I am able to see into the past. This started about three or four days ago on my last trip from California back to Utah and continued on my current trip from Utah to California (where I am right now). Driving along Interstate 80 through the Salt Flats of Utah which a few million years ago was all hundreds of feet under water I was able to view the water, like I was driving under it. It was almost like an Overlay on top of what is there right now.

Then as I traveled between Wendover, NV and Battle Mountain, NV which is an extremely mountainous area I frequently saw old Indian Villages that have long since been gone. On more than one occasion I was driving through the air or under ground as the topography was vastly different than it is now.

As I proceeded West of Battle Mountain and dropped down into the flats that of Western Nevada that also used to be well underwater I saw lots of aquatic creatures swimming around me. Including three different times I saw a massive (like 3-4 times the size of my semi) aquatic mammal swimming around me.

Now this has only happened for the last few days and seems to be limited to the area between Toole, UT and Fernley, NV. I haven't seen it anywhere else. I am not sure if this is because of the amount of pain I am in triggering something or what, but for the few days I have been experiencing this I have also been suffering from 3 abscessed teeth and an absolute wicked headache which I assume is being caused by the nerve inflammation around the abscessed teeth.

I kind of wished I could develop and harness this ability though. Imagine if I could master this ability and I could find the exact locations that Dinosaurs died, that bank robbers stashed their bounty, that ancient cities used to exist. How cool would that be?


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