Time to be serious for a moment

There’s a lot of talk about suicide lately. I’ve lost someone close to suicide and based on personal encounters of this topic, this is what I’ve seen. Most people assume mental illness is the leading factor in one taking their own life. When in reality, the two leading factors are rejection in a relationship and poverty.
Poverty is worse than death for many and it can seem harder and even discouraging to start over when you feel there is no where left to go.
My brother took his life exactly 3 years ago to date this week all because of poverty. It was triggered by a string of events leading to losing his car which he used for work resulting in losing his job which required the car. He spent several years previously living on the streets of SF after financially hard times. He also had an underdeveloped business adventure that lead to adversity and failure. To add to the waves that were hitting him, we had officially become orphaned in the midst of the recession. He hit a point where he couldn’t ask anyone for anymore help because of being a “financial burden” on everyone he knew.
I now understand with compassion why he took his life. I am saddened that to many, it is more bearable to kill oneself than be at the judgement of others for ones lack of material goods.
It’s selfish to say “let’s stop suicide” and always recommend calling a suicide hotline. What is really needed is to uplift your friends by helpful actions and compassion. Helping them find jobs that benefit their standard of living and bring purpose to their lives. Be there to be a friend even in the hard times and have empathy for when there are hard times. Help remind them that they are worthy as a spirit and human being; that external circumstances don’t devalue their worthiness to be loved. If you haven’t thought to provide these things when a person is suicidal I believe it’s selfish to be upset when they are dead and gone.
Suicide isn’t the selfish act people think of. In a world that’s becoming overpopulated causing many people to feel a lack of purpose, it leads to feelings like one doesn’t belong. It’s selfish to say that a person needs to stay and suffer the rest of their life because you’ll miss them when they are done but reject them while they are alive.
I’ve personally have the most suicidal thoughts and tendencies when I’m unemployed/broke. I understand how hard it is to reach out and tell people because the judgment it brings along. And on the advice to reach out for medical help is frightening when the answer medical professionals give is to “lock em up” in a mental ward till they are at the societal standard of be “ok”.
Please consider this when you know someone who is going through those trying days.

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