"Frokost til haws" - breakfast beer?

Previous summer, almost a year ago, we bought this beer from a local brewhouse (Mylius-Erichsen Bryghus) while visiting Hvide Sande at the west coast of Denmark.

Finally, this Sunday was the (almost) perfect day for drinking it. I was out on the boat alone (ideally, I should have shared the moment with my wife) working with some varnishing and other stuff this weekend. Photo was taken at 08:10 - I'd like to keep a routine of raising the flag at 08 and eating breakfast shortly after. I had already been up and working since 06:15.

"Frokost" in Norwegian means breakfast, and early-morning meal - so "Frokost til havs" would mean "breakfast on the sea". To be fair, the Danish language differs from the Norwegian here - they use "morgenmad" (morning food) for the breakfast, and "frokost" for the lunch.

Here is the rest of my breakfast - a simple meal for a simple worker. Old dried bread, a tube of old mayonese that probably should have been thrown ages ago. A package of Danish-style Salami (how ironic - the title on the package is "Danish Salami", right under they are bragging that only Norwegian meat is used in the product)

I must admit, I'm associating the expression "til havs" with the open sea. My current position is outside Helgeroa, a realtively well-sheltered bay.

There are some other boats here as well, the nearest sailboat is by anchor and inhabitated, the rest are by buoys and without people.

Bryghusets Frokost is a mild, middel bitter, a well-smelling and refreshing beer, very well suited for a deserved break in the middle of the day

Well, what can I say ... I'm such a good beer reviewer - "it tasted beer!" :-) Reasonably light, I could have mistaken it for a lager. It was quite some taste from the hops - I don't like beers with "too much" hops, but this beer was just perfect for me, and a perfect fit for the sunny weather.

In Norway, it's considered unacceptable to drink beer (or any alcohol) for breakfast - and even for lunch. In Denmark it's quite normal to enjoy a beer with the lunch. What do you think?

Apparently a ferry for truckdrivers, coming from Porsgrunn and going to Denmark, weird effect at the photo. Did I manage to smear the lens of the phone with my greasy fingers? Or did it become so fuzzy due to the beer drinking?

All photos available in better resolution on IPFS Qmbd4FMyCvEfgwYj5YDwNXTAzXWSNFzrh3K18EwBnmo7jh. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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