
Hey beautiful people...

Alright you all know that feeling when u expecting something and then some other strange stuff shows up instead??

Well that was the situation I was in today and I was so in for it.

Simply I was to have a test (continous assessment) in one of the courses I take in school today.

Now, this course in question is handled by two lecturers and these two lecturers are conflicting over who is in charge of the course.

Story short.... We had two tests for the same course instead of one.

Now, we took one which was relatively easy because he brought questions from what he lectured in class.

However, the reverse 🔀 the case with the second lecturer who brought to us a question from a topic he haven't taught.

   😂 😔 

Everyone myself inclusive was in a state of confusion. Pleading and more pleading fell on deaf ears.... finally some of my course mates had to submit an empty answer booklet instead of writing what they got no idea of.

I felt I should do same, but instantly I thought 💭 of writing randomly stuffs surrounding that question.
Cos I sure know I'll feel bad if I submitted it blank.

Well we are all in the lecturer's office at the moment trying to plead for a makeup test.

Sure hope he considers...

Thanks for your time... love y'all 💯 💋

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