One Foot in Front of the Other 5/22/2018 - Failing My Goal, but Still Moving On!

Hello everyone!

Unfortunately, I failed my goal of posting every day for a week... While there are certainly some good reasons in there, I am still a bit disappointed. That being said, there's no reason I cannot try again, so that's what I have decided to do! I will continue to try and post daily from here on out. If I fall short from time to time, I will just pick myself up and try, try again!

When I went down to Galveston for my brother's wedding, I realized I did not bring my Key with me, so it became impossible for me to log into Steemit. In addition to that, the weekend was pretty jam packed with events and family time, so there really was not a whole like to time to get a post in anyway. I must say though, the wedding was beautiful and I think just about everyone had a good time, so I would say that the weekend as a whole was a great success. Also, we caught the following fish (almost had a couple more sharks, but they got away...):


That being said, you have to take the good with the bad as well. I got into a pretty bad wreck that weekend as well and totaled my truck. I can only say that I feel very blessed and thankful to God that I was the only one in the vehicle at the time (was originally planning on bringing my son along), that I did not hit anyone, and that I was not seriously injured. All in all, while it pains me to lose the truck, I am grateful for my health and that no one else was hurt either. Afterall, things can be replaced, but people cannot.

This, combined with everything else going on right now has forced me to stop and realize that you just cannot always do everything. Sometimes you need to take a step back and deal with what's on your plate before taking on something else. I probably would not have gotten into that crash if I had not been so tired. I would not have been so tired if I had not been trying to appease everyone and participate in everything and go everywhere. I have unfortunately learned my lesson the hard way, but at least I walked away in one piece and will be able to take this lesson with me for the rest of my life.

Remember to always live within your means. Of course I would encourage people to do so financially, but also do so when it comes to your time and energy. Spreading oneself too thin will only lead to exhaustion and an eventual breaking point. Be mindful of your energy and time resources and manage them accordingly. Don't be afraid to admit when too much is too much. If they truly care for you, your friends and family will understand if you are not always able to do anything and everything at the drop of a hat. At any rate, feel free to take my words with a grain of salt, but this is what I have learned and come to believe.

Thank you again for reading. Until next time!

Tim (@tj5553)

(Image Source Here)

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