Please help me understand.... How do you get UPVOTES along with comments? I get some great comments but Never Upvotes.... Upvotes are like Gold now.

Help me figure it out....

It seems as if there is almost nothing in the middle ....

You either get a bunch or You are the only one... lol

I know If I read your post and I make a comment I'm UPVOTING it. Im not keeping track of my vote count. I just Upvote it if it was worth my time...

If it was worthy the read and comment, Why not an UPVOTE?

There is some very good quality material being posted all the time, Those post seem to do well and reach the Hundreds and even Thousands of dollars...... But I do not see much in the middle of that spread.. Its seems its all or nothing...

I also see the same kind of BLOGS posted by Online personalities getting huge numbers and the same by an average person gets nothing..

I guess I need more followers and more Quality content...

What do you think??

Thank you for your comments and Upvotes.!!

Help Me Hep you Help me help you!!. !! lol

2016-01-24 14.13.10.jpg

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