Inventors and Imaginers Needed Immediately to Build a New Earth

I’m not trying to save the planet here-- I’m helping to create a whole new Earth instead.

“Necessity is the mother of invention.” -Plato

Back when I was an actual child, I decided one day that I would become an inventor.

Frustration set in immediately when I realized that I didn’t really need anything, and so it was that my life as a child inventor came and went in a single afternoon.

Without a need or a care, I gave up inventing and went back to being a child, still too young to know that the grown-ups were busily screwing up the planet around me, and that different methods and new inventions were already desperately needed in the world.

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'Dog's Life' by Pantoja

By the time I got old enough to see what absurdity was going on, the adults had really wrecked things, and I was expected to copy them-- to mimic and cherish their absurd customs and to obey their old laws-- so that I would fit into a desperately sick society, and so that ‘we’ could perpetuate the ridiculous culture that had been handed to us.

No Need For Inventors

As the children of the world, we weren’t expected to invent things or imagine a new Earth, we were expected to embrace the existing one, and we were expected to spend our lives sustaining that old societal machine with pride, honor, and numerous other patriotic words, phrases and myths that had been robotically fed into us.

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There’s a Pill For That

We were expected to become emotionally depressed in the meantime, and an entire industry of pharmaceutical priests were there waiting for us with their chemical solutions to our war-torn woes, ready to ease the pain of living through our puberty with their lifetime prescriptions.

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Forbidden Medicine

Somehow, we had accepted the fact that a plant like cannabis was prohibited, and that even the industrial hemp version of the plant was illegal, ‘just in case’. This was all normal, and prisons were built around us to incarcerate anyone who dared to defy the rules on the ‘manufacturing’ or simple possession of these outlawed weeds.

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God Needs Oil

We weren’t told that money would be our god, but we were told that without that money, we were doomed to a life of deprivation, a hellish separation from that divine source of food and fuel, and we were assured that as long as petroleum could be found, our lives would depend on it and the money that it generated.

As the next generation, we were expected to keep the oil flowing, without thinking, no matter what.

We were also expected to:

We were expected to support the latest war that had been invented-- which the experts had already explained the necessity of-- and we were expected to vote for the people who sold those invented wars for a living.

We were expected to ask our doctors if the ongoing wars could be avoided using chemicals, and if such pharmacological sedation was right for us.

We were expected to go to work and pay our taxes in order to support a weapons industry, and we were expected to drink to the process proudly, toasting with a light beer aluminum clatter-- a toast to ourselves, as if we had done our duty protecting a nation’s freedoms.

Inventors and Imaginers Needed Immediately

As a child, I hardly needed a thing, and as a result, I didn’t need to invent anything. That has all changed now, and while I may not be an engineer or a physicist or whatever it is that inventors study, I can easily see what needs to be invented now that I’m nearly grown, and I can find ways to inspire those inventors that we need now in the world.

I have imagined a different world than the one I was trained for, and my vision of the shape of things to be in the world appears to be part of a fractal feather, wherein others have imagined the same as I, even better than I, and we imaginers are here to inspire the inventors.

Start Now

Now is the time for the imaginers to envision the logical, the necessary and the new, and to hint that the inventor is very much needed now, as we have a new Earth to design, and the project begins immediately.

I can’t save the world with my imagination alone, but again, I’m really not trying to save the world here. I’m thinking that we might make the old world obsolete with what we create, and instead of perpetuating a system that only worked for a few people, instead of empowering those who thrive in the old system, we see the necessity for the invention of something completely new.

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Like Nature, We Might Go With a Fractal Design

With the decentralization of information underway, the fractal world that I often imagine has become more than just my wild imagination at work. With an internet at their fingertips, the world’s information is now there, and anyone who can imagine-- plus anyone else that you can imagine-- is online in some way, or is about to be soon.

If before we couldn’t have imagined such a wide dispersement of data, a virtual apocalypse of information where nothing can be hidden any longer, now we have just that, and we might further imagine how a fractal world might work.

In the decentralized world that can be seen now, every home has access to all information, instead of that information being secreted away from the general population.

It’s time to invent that new Earth now. The fractal dispersement of information through the internet is leading to a decentralized monetary system, which could inspire a decentralized, fractalized food and energy supply.

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Be prepared to invent a world that is suitable for humans-- it’s hardly ever been tried on a mass scale, and until now we were all disconnected from one another by pretended borders, obsolete traditions and unnecessary laws.

Now that we are all here, we could easily surprise ourselves by creating a whole new planet.

Looking at the whole Earth, we are all in this together, and we always were. Now would be a good time to notice.

images above source, Wikimedia Commons


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