I’m Back (Again, and Yes, I Know It Is My Third Time)

Hi guys! It’s been a long time since I’ve logged onto Ye Olde Steemit, and I have to admit, I’ve missed you guys. Excuse the post format, I will have to relearn how to do Markdown, unfortunately.

As for my long (too long) hiatus, I really had some personal things that I had to figure out for myself. (Don’t worry, I wont go into it and make it one of “those” posts.)

I have really struggled in the past to come up with material for my steemit blog, as you cant post a singing video EVERY day. BUT, I (along with some help from @clevercreator) have had a new idea!


I really enjoy helping people with their problems, and giving helpful advice (this has made me the “mom friend” of my friend group, but I don’t mind) I will post my email at the bottom of this post, and people can reach me through email, steemit message, or text. I will then publish a weekly video and/or post, where I address all these issues. Everything will be completely anonymous, unless otherwise specified by the person needing help/advice. I’d love to answer everyone’s questions and create an open dialogue for things that people feel they can’t necessarily ask help for or speak about in the open. The questions dont have to be advice questions either ! They can just be random questions about anything. I’d love to get this off the ground, so by all means, please send in your questions!

You can reach me by :

Email : riegirl98@yahoo.com

Steemit chat: sarahrie

Text or WhatsApp: 870-8091741

P.S. I will still post the occasional singing video as well!

Much love,

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