Why Start The Confidence Project: A Personal Account


In case you didn't know, The Confidence Project is a year-long project initiated by my friends and I this 2018. Along with @jsmalila and @thejoanabuan, I launched the project with the intention of improving my confidence in the long run as well.

One experience I had where my confidence struggled the most was during my undergraduate studies of chemical engineering. While the root cause of the whole ordeal is debatable, one thing that I couldn't get off my mind is the possibility of doing it better than I did.

Now that I think about it, one possible reason why I didn't do well at it is because I was intimidated.

My classmates were the best of the best in their high school alma maters. Most of them graduated with the highest honors in their respective schools. Most of them graduated from reputable science high schools. While I was just digesting the fact that all matter is made up of atoms in a much deeper sense, they were already discussing antimatter and the structural formula of methampethamine!

You may be thinking that all of these are excuses that my mind made to cover up the fact that I wasn't scientifically competent enough to begin with and let me tell you this - you are most absolutely right.

I remember looking at my high school report card and thinking, "Woah, science isn't my strongest suit. Wait, I want to challenge this." So, amongst other reasons, I enrolled myself in a major whose foundation was built on the whooping fat ass of SCIENCE. Weren't I wishing for my death or what?

True enough, the results showed me what my high school report card did years ago - "You're not that adept in science, missy." I never really accepted this fact. I went to war knowing full well that it wasn't the war I could win by just doing the things the way I've always did them.

I must have a head as hard as steel because right now, I'm currently employed in a chemical engineering-related job. Not to take all the credit away from myself though, I graduated from the program with no failing grade and I also passed the board exam. But I think that I still haven't done things the chemical engineering way yet. I want to achieve this state and I believe I can do so by building my confidence in this area. Focusing in this area will allow for my feelings of intimidation to fade away (hopefully into oblivion).

The Confidence Project emphasizes the need for relevant practice. Confidence can be built through constant and deliberate practice. With regards to my area of focus, there are a lot of things that I can do at work to slowly build my confidence as a chemical engineer. What these things are, I have yet to discover. For sure, I will keep you in on the loop. For now, I hope that I have convinced you why this project means so much to me. The idea of a whole community lifting each other up through this project makes all of the effort of researching and initiating a big project worthwhile.

In case you didn't know what the project is all about, here are quick links to our posts so far:
The Confidence Project Manifesto
The Confidence Project Takeaway 1: Identify Your Areas of Focus
The Confidence Project Takeaway 2: Establish Your Motivation.

The proceeds of this post will be added to the reward pool of the second takeaway challenge participants. I'd like to express my thanks to everyone who've shown their support to this project @carlgnash, @themanualbot, @jassennessaj, @ybanezkim26 and @legendarryll. A big thank you to our entry-senders @josejirafa, @brokemancode, @reewritesthings, @wandergirl, @namranna, @nikkabomb and @everchris.

You can still join the The Confidence Project's challenges. Let's make the most of our confidence this year!

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