Three Days At The Off Grid Homestead In Overview

This is a summary of our time during three days on the homestead. I have been working a lot off of the homestead recently to supplement our income since YouTube cut our pay so low.

This does not leave me a lot of time to work around the homestead much some days nor to make a lot of video content.

Melanie got a whole mess of large mushrooms on sale at a local grocery store and sliced them up thin to dry. She put them on a tray on top of the wood stove which heats our off grid tiny house. I am very surprised that they were dry within 24 hours and ready to package up. They look just like the ones you buy in the Chinese shops. Later she bought even more and dried them as well (off camera).

I am rendering down some deer fat on the wood stove in a dutch oven. I hope to get all the fat rendered down into oil. Then I will filter off any contaminants or meat scraps and make old fashioned homemade deer fat soap. It is taking a long time though because our wood stove is shielded and not very hot on top. I cant wait to try this out for soap making.

The sun was shining brightly and topping off our solar power battery bank nicely. Since we just got out of a long period of cloudy days I left the batteries to fully top off on this day. They needed it.

I explain my plans to set up adjustable arms on my solar panels which will allow me to adjust the angles for maximum solar power production with ease through the seasons.

Inside our off grid tiny house I am charging up all my game camera batteries using an awesome computerized charger from ThruNite. This is a fully automatic battery charger which can charge from one to four batteries in any combination. I mean this thing can take four different size and types of batteries and charge them separately and properly. I love this thing.

Later I got the batteries into my game cameras and got them set up to go back outside. We use the game cameras for security around the property.

You can watch the video here:

While you are over there please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our daily videos as we strive to become fully self sufficient and off the grid on a budget. Thanks.

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