Deep Down The Media's Field. : The Dark Truth Of The Media Industry.


They play a huge role in our lives by delivering us news about what's happening in the world, entertainment, sports, and so much more.

But you never know the dark secrets of media, they are powerful enough to turn things upside down and can control you without even realizing.

Let me tell you a few of what they are capable of.

Poisoning People's Mind.

When you watch news media you just don't know whether the report of a specific news is legit or just some propaganda to cause hatred to each other. I've found an old article about the Vietnam War and one news agency wrote a report saying USA was victorious in defeating the Viet Cong, That is an example of false media or you call it right now "fake news" because USA never won in the Vietnam War but so many people believe that America was victorious, Imagine if they are capable of doing such things and they will use it for their own agenda.

Media Can Be A Tool For Someone's Personal Goal.

It can be murder or war, News Media can be a tool for someone, media can easily manipulate people because they are influential and powerful enough.

For Example: The death of Nirvana's Front Man Kurt Cobain.

Have you seen the documentary : Soaked in Bleach? Where it say's Kurt didn't commit suicide, he was murdered. There are so many evidences that will conclude that he was murdered and those evidences are solid as metal like how did he managed to shoot his own head when he was overdosed with a lethal amount of heroine? no person can do that, if you are injected with that amount of heroine it will basically make you paralysed. Media played a huge roll in delivering of what is happening to Kurt Cobain's Life, A News Agency said that "Kurt once tried to commit suicide while he was in Rome by Overdozing His-self, taking 60+ tablets of a specific medicine", That report was false, but Courtney Love took advantage of that. A Solid example of how you can use the media as a tool.

They Can Control You.

A great example is during the Election Period. They can easily convince you to vote for a specific candidate by just sugar coating. People believe that media knows everything, and they took advantage of that to support their sponsors. media is just plain business and personal agenda.

Media Has Your Personal Info And That Includes Me.

Because of its social trend we just can't help but go with the flow, they can easily acquire your personal information because of social media where we provide almost all of our information. You still believe in Personal Information Security? Your personal info is never been private. and there are so many eyes that is watching you right now.

Media Is Always Biased.

Media is never been neutral, they take sides. if media doesn't like you, you will be a target. They attack other people by providing false information and manipulating the vast majority, and what im talking about is Politics. Even the surveys they provide to people are so biased that it will make you throw up. If they didn't like your agenda they will find a way to take you down and replace you with their puppet.

I dont believe in what media says now except for weather news.

All of these are from my own personal experience and opinion only, you decide whether to believe or not. I don't believe in what the media say's unless i go the source myself and confirm it.

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