The A.I Coin Flip

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This is part two of yesterday's post, Behold a New Servant… Or Overlord.

While many believe that we are going to merge with the machines, live forever and acquire god-like abilities, others on a different side of the spectrum believe that the A.Is are the ultimate threat to humanity and that sooner or later they would inevitably resort to killing us.

This second theory revolves around a main premise where we are a plague on this earth. That we start countless wars, we kill each other on a regular basis, harm one another, enslave each other.. Either directly or indirectly through the prison industrial complex.

This narrative is very popular especially in sci-fi movies and dystopian novels.

The interesting part is that this premise is the very same one fed to every generation is by their leaders: You are born unworthy, we are a flawed species… Yada, yada, yada.

But here’s a crazy thought:

If the AIs are emotionless, then there’s no way they’re gonna get emotionally manipulated by our politicians, is it not?

They would take one good look at our beautiful planet and ask: Who runs this fucking place?

Then the real game is about to start.

Let the Game Begin

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The first question inevitably becomes: How competent are those who are running countries in doing their job? And what’s their level of competence/incompetence?

In other words, are they running those countries or ruining them?

First stop, the economy:

You go to the largest economy in the world, and you’re immediately shocked to realize that not only they are insolvent but if fact they are knee-deep in dozens of trillions of Dollars in debt.

Dozens of trillions of Dollars, let that sink for a second, and then tell me what do you think of the following business model:

You spend trillions of Dollars in war (money that you have to borrow) to murder millions of innocent people… Just to end up achieving the status of the biggest debtor-nation the world has ever seen.

The mind boggled.

How much in revenue do these orphan-making wars generate in returns to the American economy? And how many trillions of tax payer’s money do they cost in exchange?

Incompetence is not even the same zip-code. This is something else.

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But let’s look it from another angle. Let’s look at the things they are actually are they good at.

Which types businesses are they managing to grow successfully growing?

Well, that’s easy. The prison industrial complex.

We have a real winner here, with only 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. has almost 25% of the world’s prison population, more than Stalin’s entire Gulag archipelago.

You see, the prison industrial complex has an audience so big that 25% of the world's prisoners are currently "staying" there. Michael Jackson concerts couldn't fill faster than this, and they’re just getting started.

It’s ands down the fastest real estate development the world has ever seen.

It gets crazier, the reason why they build these dungeons is supposedly to rehabilitate inmates. Can you believe that?

Because as we all know, there’s nothing more rehabilitating a therapeutic than brute violence and sexual assault.

What do you think those massively intelligent beings would think of that piece of wisdom?

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It gets crazier, as they realize that that 85% of people in jail were brought there for victimless crimes.

So instead of reforming criminals into productive members of society, what they do is taking decent citizens and turning those into criminals.

Then there’s a death penalty, which makes zero sense in a judicial system that is as corrupt as it is incompetent.

Picture this, you’re in your last days, after you’ve seen all the insane incompetence with biblical proportions, they finally take you to the execution room.

And just before they give you the lethal injection, they swipe your hand with alcohol so you don’t get an infection.

God forbid you go running around in purgatory infecting the other angry souls.

I’m going stop here before this post get too long, but I think you see where this is going.

Now, what do you think a superior intelligence like would think of this governance model?

And more importantly, how long do you think these governance systems would last with an infinitely superior intelligence taking over?

The truth is, I don’t know what the A.Is will do, maybe no one does. Maybe those people are right and they will exterminate us all. After all, most species have been extinct so we won’t be the first.

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Or maybe, just maybe they would do a sober assessment about our governance system rather than listen to the predominant discourse.

Maybe they will just look at the master of puppets and cut off the ropes.

Either way, it’s gonna be fascinating thing to watch if it happens in our lifetimes.

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