Trying to get back into the swing of things

I know my posting has been not as regular over the last few months

It is because a bunch of stuff happened in my life. After the crazy lady poisoned my garden, I was so devastated that I found myself with writers block most of the time. Where I was having a hard time forming sentences let alone be able to write words for my blog. But there was something else that happened, last year after that wreck, I slowly started deteriorate and the lost of my garden devastated me in a way, that I was having a hard time connecting my words to stay connected to my readers. I feel blessed that when I do post so many have still stuck around to read the stuff I write about, especially since it is such a hodgepodge of things. But also this winter I had a bad fall, and that made things much worse for me.

Things are changing

I started seeing a Chiropractor that studies subluxation and uses an Activator to correct the misalignment and compression of the disks onto the nerves. after the very first visit I got relief from the severe pain I had been in for years but the last year had been really bad, the worse it has ever been. For years I could only work for short periods of times and would have to sit down to rest. It would take 2 hours to sweep my kitchen it was an all day job to deep clean it once a week. Where I use to be able to clean my whole house in a few hours, I started to get to the point where I couldn't do hardly anything.

I been getting treatments three times a week over the last month. I have had three bad days since I started treatment. One of those days I had a migraine but the adjustment that day helped relieve it enough that I was able to go home and sleep it off. It was a bad one, I was throwing up and it was bad. He did this thing with pressure points that helped the knots in my neck it helped a lot, and the other two days I was sick with a fever and a sinus infection. but physically I feel so much better. I am able to do things I haven't been able to do in years.

The things I am now doing that I haven't been able to do

I can clean my living room and kitchen completely in under an hour. My bedroom and bathroom in twenty minutes. I painted three rooms in a house yesterday in only three hours. But I was able to bend without spasms starting and that is something that has made things take so long to do over the years as bending even slightly would cause spasms to start and I would have to sit till they stopped. So that is why it would take me so long.

Last year the small raised bed garden I did took me 3 days to build. With my son lifting all my top soil into the raised bed. So he did the work because I couldn't even use a wheel barrow to move the dirt. But this past month, I have been able to move soil around, build my raised beds, and leave building my small fences around the ones that needed it to keep my dogs out of it to my husband, because I am trying to take is slow so I do set myself back. But I was able to do all of this in two days, and that was only because I ran out of material and needed to collect the bricks around the property to make another raised bed, for my red potatoes. I still need more material and I have it around my property, but everything is kind of over grown, because it won't stop raining. so if I get anything else planted this year that I wanted to, is not likely. Because it won't stop raining.

It rained more after I took this photo, we call this our lake we want to get a boat and do photos, I think I might just photoshop one in lol

I also have helped cut back some of the Japanese Honey Suckle

Since I am not strong enough to try to use the chainsaw at this moment (my goal is to be able to eventually) I am using branch cutters to cut down what I can of the honey suckle. Sad thing about it, all this rain my state is getting this season, is causing the crap to grow back quicker than we can cut it back, and then it starts growing again. But with me being able to help it should make shorter work of it. As I have already got a bunch of it cut back in between the rain falls we have had, in the areas not totally flooded. My husband has said it is a big help and is happy to see me being able to do these things again. This work my arms tire out, and not my back, but as I rebuild my muscles I have loss because I haven't been able to do much, that will change.

That whole area looked like the back part, This is the regrowth of stuff we have already cut down last year

I went from being disabled to able bodied again without drugs

I am not 100% yet, there is still some days of discomfort and some of my muscles are really sore, but the severe pain that I was in gone. I have another adjustment in the morning and on Friday Morning, I will be having new x-rays and we will be comparing them to the ones they took last month. I will be taking better photos than I did last time. I was shocked last time, how bad my back is. I didn't think to take the camera out till the neck x-rays and didn't want to be a pest and ask him to go back to the back images. But I will be getting it this time for my own records. Also I want to show everyone why I have been in so much pain, and why I am feeling better, As I expect to find major changes in how my back looks because of how I feel.

I been to dozens of doctors

They have all told me my condition will get worse and the only way I would get pain relief is if I went on a series of drugs for pain relief, at first I filled a prescription, but one day taking it like it was prescribed, I was like no freaking way, this will make me an addict if I take this crap, so I haven't taken those drugs unless the pain was so bad, I couldn't function period. But a thirty day supply of prescriptions pain management medicine I would make last a year or longer because I would only take it when I have no other option. But it was getting very hard not to given in. I was referred to two surgeons who gave me bleak prospects on success of surgery, so that wasn't an option, though they both wanted to cut me open. No thanks, I knew in my heart there had to be a solution out there, and I finally found it. This Chiropractor is different than other ones I have seen, I have seen two others through out the years and they pushed and pulled on you and caused more pain than helping.

So if you are suffering

Don't give up, I been dealing with this for 13 years. And for the first time in many years I am out of pain, and I am finding that I am feeling inspired again. I want to get out and live my life, experience the world again and want to get out and do things I have always wanted to do but haven't been able to do because of the pain. Keep searching for your own answers because no one cares more about your health than you. We only have one life and living a life in pain can be depressing, and is very hard. And if you are having pain in your back that is leaving you disabled, look for a Chiropractor that studies subluxation and uses an activator to readjust the spine into the proper place, because as crazy as the machine looks, it is been my saving grace. I am not saying it will help you, but it did me, and it is changing my life.


I hope the words keep coming

As I have missed feeling inspired like I have been inspired lately. I think new experiences will help with that. I also still have a bunch of steem and steemit swag, so I plan to do some giveways in the near future. So I hope you will stayed tuned.

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