I took my first day off in over 13 months

I haven't had a day off since June 14, 2017

I have worked every day for over 13 months and decided I needed a day off. So yesterday I decided it was a no work day period. I did have to get up early as my son had to work and I am his ride, he has his permit and is learning to drive and soon will have his license and I won't have to be his ride anymore, but I took him to work and came back home and binged watched the first three episodes of Castle Rock. I am gonna like that series. so far it is really good. There are all kinds of Easter Eggs so far but I am not going to spoil it for anyone.

After binge watching I took Esme with me to go visit my grandbabies

Esme is my Utonagan she is a year and a half and doesn't like to be left without people. She is okay for 30 to 45 minutes most of the time. But if she is left alone longer than that, you will come back to find she has destroyed something. So I decided to take her with me. My grandbabies have a cat that just had kittens but they don't have a dog so when they get to see my doggies they love it.

Back home to drop off the pup

I dropped the dog back off at home and went to go pick up my son from work but decided to go a little early to pick up a few items from the grocery store. I needed some supplies for my ribs recipe that I decided I wanted for dinner. So I did my shopping and just got back to the car when my son called and said "Mom I am off work." I swear I have perfect timing sometimes. I got back home and watched youtube videos for a while. I avoided Facebook 100% yesterday too except for once early in the morning, when I told @charisma777 Happy Birthday on Facebook and a couple of family members whose birthday's were yesterday also.

I started dinner in the pressure cooker

I have an instant pot that I love. I put the ribs in the pressure cooker and then took off to visit a friend for a few. I get so busy sometimes that I neglect my relationships so I try to make a point of even if it is just 20 minutes of stopping in on people occasionally especially now that all my children are grown. Many of my friends have so many commitments because of small children they are not able to take that hour to just stop in and say hey and what is going on, but stopping in to say hey means the world to them.

I got back home to find my husband finishing dinner

He got home about 15 minutes or so before I did and he started finishing up dinner. So I was able to eat and then relax with my husband. We watched a little T.V. when I decided I was going to watch some more youtube. I put a documentary on but then opened a new tab and started doing research for a future article on homeschooling proms and graduations ceremonies through out the United States so even though I promised myself to take a day off I did do some research for about an hour before scolding myself saving what I had found and shutting it down. Then I realized it was 9 pm and I had been up since 5 am and I was exhausted. So I went to bed, I woke up this morning at 5 am. As I type this I hope this isn't a sign of getting old. I have always been kind of a night person so waking up at 5 am and going to be at 9 pm is strange for me. I am normally up till 1 or 2 am and up by 7 or 8 am.

So I mostly took the day off Yesterday

I almost feel like I should feel guilty for taking the day off, but honestly I don't feel bad at all for taking the day off, and think I need to commit to taking more time off occasionally because I was feeling a little burnt out and now I am feeling loads better from just taking a day break. I feel more focused and clear it helped remind me that we need balance in our lives and even those who are self employed needs time off occasionally and their is no reason to feel guilty over that.

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