Clearing Japanese Honeysuckle and finding Grape vines and a strangely shaped tree branch

So today my husband and son were out on the property working

Japanese Honeysuckle is the bane in our existence. Serious I am about to show you a close up of what is behind those pretty little bushes you see on the outside. They are very invasive and it will likely take us a couple of years to completely clear this out. Then it will take another decade of staying on top of it to completely eradicate it. Japanese Honeysuckle though pretty are very invasive and should never be planted in the United States, because it kills off the native plants. Our goal is to completely remove this invasive plant from our property and once we have everything cleared out so the tree's that are alive can flourish, we are going to plant some native plants and trees to replace any trees that have fallen or that we have to cut down because it is dead.

Pretty yes, but it is killing off everything behind the front line


This is what it looks like behind the area that was cut away

It is a mess and we have a ton of clean up work to do. This goes back pretty much through out our woods and there is some trash in there too.



Wait what is that?



Yes that is a wild grape vine

We have them all throughout our woods. Some of them are as big as my thigh these on this side of the property are on the smaller size. The ones towards the back of the property were pretty big. These are not easy to get rid of, as they have this sappy jelly stuff that oozes out of any cut ends. My husband got a face full of it today. so wrong that I laugh at that It is partly why I went and got him Pizza King. This stuff is gross looking. I need to do some research though make sure it isn't beneficial before we trash it. It is killing the trees though the way it is wrapping around the trees. We don't know how bad the damage is, but between the grape vines and the Japanese Honeysuckle we have a lot of damage to clean up and to repair. Anyone that wants to come help is more than welcome.

That Sappy Jelly stuff is actually called Grapevine Sap and a quick google search it is beneficial we will be collecting some of it


They spent the day working in pretty much the one area of the property

They both worked really hard. I will be able to help a little bit but because of my back issues that work ends up being too much for me to do more than 15 minutes at a time then I have to rest for 2 hours to do another 15 minutes. So I am going to help cut things back when I can, but focus on other work around the property that I can get done. That I can physically take care of. So this week I plan to do a little landscaping. I also think it is time to add some more grass seed. We had all that rain that flood the area and moved our grass seed. We have some more rain on the way this week but not as much as we got during the flooding of the area.


I almost forgot to show you the strangely shaped tree branch

Okay this photo I want you to pay attention to the area where the tree branches off I don't want to influence anyone but what do you think it looks like? Let me know in the comments below.

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