5th year hosting my family reunion

5 years ago I took over hosting my family reunion

Today was the 5th reunion that I have hosted. And to be honest I have no clue how I even got through the day. I woke up with a migraine. I been really stressed this week with helping my sister and organizing the reunion. Then on top of it something we were told there would be no charge to us, I got a bill for, and now they are saying I own them $3,948 which I don't have and they want in 30 days. Thankfully some where around here I have a paper that states from the city that there is no charge for what they are now trying to charge me. So the last few days have been extremely stressful. Waking up to a migraine that the medicine didn't touch, and neither did any of the natural remedies. Getting through the day was an accomplishment in and of itself.

Taking photos with a migraine

These photos are all unedited. I finally took a prescription to get rid of the migraine but it has only been gone for about an hour or so. I haven't edited any of the photos yet. And likely won't for a few days. As I plan to take tomorrow off for just me and my husband, cause this girl is exhausted and have been burning the candles at both ends for way too long. I also have never tried taking photos while having a migraine so I wasn't sure how well I would do with a splitting headache that made me feel like someone split my head open with an axe. I have to say I am pretty impressed my photos turned out as well as they did with how bad off I was







By the time the reunion was over

I was throwing up. Earlier in the day before the reunion started my husband and I picked up a U-Haul rental for my sister's family to get them moved. I did mention we also moved my sister today. But the way it went down, was we picked up the truck, took it to their apartment, left them to load it up and drove it to their new place. We parked it, and we came home and when they are done unloading it they will call me to come get the U-Haul. So I guess technically we are just the transportation of the move. But it is hard to do all these things in a day when you are sick with a migraine.

20180804_211212.jpg I do like their front door

20180804_211152.jpg I also really love hardwood floors

I have no clue why the last two photos uploaded sideways but I am still not 100% so I am leaving it be.

social media done right updated.jpg

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