120 seconds away from destruction, 24 months away from an equally living changing event, one you get to choose


this morning so far has been a fuck show.

the usual place i go for breakfast is gonna be packed out and the energy and vibe is pure alpha organisation mode — sangria head over here walked in, blurry eyed, sat down for a few minutes and checked my messages.

there like a saviour was the message, “chances are that place is gonna be busy today, if ya wanna come across and see me you can eat here” perfect i thought, i packed up the laptop and walked to the transportation and got onboard, a quick drive later and i was here.

day is gonna be slightly off centre part two, get there, gate locked, big realisations that a) i don’t have keys to said gate and b) that this place while open today ain’t open early because it’s sunday, major fail on my part.

plans and expectations for a nice strong cup of coffee and breakfast dashed by the universe letting me know on the supposed day of rest that if you don’t come fully prepared for outcomes that outcomes will happen to you regardless.

Photo by Hermeus on Unsplash

eyes wide open or wide shut, karma and the universe will always deliver it’s message on time.

and i guess this is kinda where i was going with this title, a title i had put down in my notes as something i could build on at some point and while typing it seems more relevant than every, literally everything could be put down to micro decisions and life transactions — the ones we make in the fraction of a time that often have huge ramifications if poorly executed.

hypersonic nukes, weapons that can change your life and the lives of others around you in what would seem like a blink of an eye, two minutes to potential destruction.

sometimes thou i feel the way the world acts like a headless chicken mode the nuke situation playing out makes perfect sense, just fucking reset everything, the strongest and more prepared, planned for such a thing wins out — they get to live things out in their own image and ideology after it all goes to shit.

life is often lived at polar opposites, extremes even, two minute to end a life, two years to change it, maybe that should have been the title. it’s savage how life is delicate and can hang in the balance, a few minutes and ya world you knew it gone and yet the day to day humdrum of just rolling along can feel like death too — and yet, investing in, flipping the script, compounding and compacting your life can change it in a few years too.

and it’s all about choice right, one is something we cannot change and it’s out of our hands, we cannot choose to stop nukes, i mean, maybe if you have the access to systems to fight back against one but it’s often mutually assured destruction, you throw one this way, you get one back kinda thing, it’s really a no win situation.

yet something like planning for what your life could look like in two years time, if you buckle down, trim the fat, offset the quality of live you lead today and adapt to the environment around you currently.

things can change, fast.

take crypto, anyone being in this space for the last few years will tell you that we are currently in a bear market, influenced by many things of course globally aside from sentiment, we are kinda in that lull phase where a lot of projects are still building, still trying to scale, trying to build that killer app.

i actually enjoy the bear market, it makes dollar averaging in more enjoyable to me, i love to see red candles but i love seeing the green ones too, seeing other people buying in at the low prices makes me air-hi-five people who i know are investing in a potential future version of themselves.

but it’s all a little bit of a gamble, maybe some of it is an educated gamble if DYOR on a project and a team, like does someone actually wanna build something that could change the lives of others, will they stay the course, do they have a track record of doing that. These are the tokens and projects that are worthy of your time, energy and money.

making a quick bag ain’t always the move, utilising a projects token and getting integrated into it for the betterment of the community builds a better future for everyone —- that being said, APE’ing into the 20% HBD of hive for the long time is a pretty decent move too, i mean heck, it’s gonna always be better than that anchor/luna play.

I could have so got rekt on that. .. wake up call tbh.

so yeah, we can either live like the next two minutes are our last and live constantly in a state of survival mindset, constantly cranking out the grey matter and hoping that the patience and determination holds long enough.

we can also slow play it, not showing our hand, doing the averaging in, a little bit here and there, no beer that week, switch it up to beans and ramen instead of beer and kebabs. I realise that inflation is off the charts at the moment but a bit of foresight and planning can go a long way to realign your digital footprint with you daily meat sacks consumption needs.

i guess these are some of the gifts that the pandemic gave to me. While it was a lot of soul searching and often panic about finding foods to eat (no delivery, no transport) it really opened my eyes to how weak my “stored supplies” really was.

i had nowhere near six months of backups, maybe three weeks and when it’s rice, lentils and chickpeas all the time without other fibre/protein then it can make you incredibly sluggish, it wasn’t just avoiding covid it was not letting your body atrophy while we waited on vaccines.

all through that thou my choice was to live, sure, some days were dire and the same as the last, lots of groundhog day vibes, hard to maintain a level of future gazing and what i’d do and eat once i got the other side of the pandemic.

But my partner and my daughter, the time and space apart, the silent skies, the reduced noise, it was like hearing the heart beat of the planet for the first time. All you had to do is tune into it, always there, just muffled by the day to day of modern living.

It’s my belief having been through this that you can reboot and restart your life at any time, you just have to carve out enough safe space to do it and to take into mind the rising tide of inflation in the process — follow the white rabbit of information and current events and try and surf out that tsunami of change.

humble x

p.s — prepare for a recession

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