Nobody likes to eat daal without tarka, right?

Because it's plain boring.


Sometimes you have to add tarka to bring life to your boring content too.

And there's no better way of doing it without the usage of good old dioms.

Some of my favorite idioms that I frequently use in my content are,

  1. It's raining cats and dogs

Usage : you use it to say it's raining heavily.

  1. Call it a night

Usage: you say it in order to put stop to the task at hand so that you may hit the bed.

  1. Hustle and bustle

Usage: usually used to refer to the noisy environment. For eg, people like living among the hustle and bustle of big cities.

  1. In black and white

Usage: when you have a contract in paper signed by the parties involved, not just agreed upon verbally.

  1. Hit the sack

Usage: to hit the bed. For e.g, I am tired, I better hit the sack soon.

  1. Polish your apples

Usage: to try to win favor through flattery. For eg, it's perfect time to polish your apples.

  1. Feeling blue

Usage: used to show upsetness.

  1. Dog tired

Usage: to show extreme fatigueness (tiredness).

  1. Pretty please with sugar lumps on top

Usage: to get the task done by sounding extra sweet.

This isn't exactly an idiom, but I love using this express and it works like magic everytime.


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