Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/17/17 > …. “ burn ban?” Thanks honey… anything else I should know?

It has been a long time since I have been this sick; in fact I would be willing to bet that it has been at least 10 years. The only reason I say that is because Shortie said to me that she had never seen me sick, she’s ten. I don’t subscribe to being sick; I have always been able to head off illness and such by using the power of suggestion.

I know that might sound a bit on the crazy side, but just follow a long for a minute, and then you can call me crazed.
The human body is remarkable piece of machinery for lack of a better word. Most machines don’t have the ability to fix themselves when something goes wrong with them, the human body does. I learned several years ago that my body and mind work off of what I feed them. Feed them a bunch of non healthy items and I can expect that I will be in an unhealthy condition more often than not. The last thirty years I’ve made a conscious decision to help my body through the power of positive suggestion.

This past week I flat missed the little signs that I was in the danger zone and needed to take some preemptive action in order to miss this mess I’ve ended up with. Normally when others around me are coming down with something I start telling myself, “I don’t have time to be sick” and “get your guard up and repel any sickness that tries to overcome us.”
Yes, I talk to myself, so I might be crazy. I’ve been told by others that talking to yourself doesn’t make you crazy; it is only if you start hearing answers that makes you crazy. So the worst case is I’m only half crazy, because I don’t get a response back or have a good conversation with myself all that often.

Tuesday night when I started experiencing the red and green lines syndrome should have been a clue, I attributed it to being overly tired. All the pieces of the puzzle were there; my wife and oldest boy were coming down with this Monday evening. I thought that I had steered clear of them enough to avoid it and left the house well before anyone was up on Tuesday. I didn’t suggest to myself to be on guard for this crap and it never bothered to ask if it was welcome to come visit me.

Our minds and brains are the equivalent of a powerful computer, we constantly are adding new programs and software to computers to make them work better and faster, why wouldn’t we do the same for our internal processing system? Most people demand having the fastest computer and internet, but seem to be content with the equivalent of an old 386 computer from the 1980’s running their body. Positive suggestion is the equivalent of anti-virus protection for the internal computer.

I could go research a ton of stuff to support my claims but that isn’t in me today. You all have seen and read articles on how people have quit smoking or lost weight with hypnosis, I am not going to find them for you if you haven’t. Hypnosis is nothing more than allowing your mind to accept suggestion, that is why it works, if you make a conscious decision to accept it as a positive , the results will be positive.

I could easily blame my wife and son for this sickness but it isn’t their fault, I knew what to do and just didn’t snap to it at the time it was sneaking up on me. Right now all six of us are coughing and hacking, the wife said our local pediatrician had 40 similar cases in his office on Thursday by 2:00PM; the good news is it isn’t the flue, the bad news according to him; it takes several days to get over it. Well I’m not buying in on the several days’ part, I know I can whip this faster than the kids and their prescription medicines can.

Fresh Satsuma’s from the tree out front and plenty of ice cold well water is all the medicine my body needs to go along with my suggestions that I am getting better each hour. My fever broke early this morning, my coughing and hacking has slowed considerably in the last six hours. I actually feel good enough at the moment to go out and burn the trash pile, a weekly ritual that has to be done. After I get that out of the way, I may just get in the poker game at 3:00PM on Lucksacks.com, home of the Steem Poker League.

It would have been nice if my wife would have told me before I went out that we are under a burn ban, she knew I was going out to burn, but she waited until I had a good fire going to come tell me. She said it has been all over the news this week, it may have been, but not where I was. She said that “they” are saying that the leaves are to dry to be burning, the government needs to mind their own business and let me tend to mine. Leaves don’t burn worth a damn when they are wet, besides I am burning trash not leaves. Even though it was a little breezy, you can always light the pile so it burns into the wind, not with the wind. I’ve been burning trash for many a year and have never had a fire get out of control, this burn was no different. Oh yea, the fire picture was from when I was out in California.

The poker game was good too, while I got to play. I had to leave to do something with my oldest boy; my youngest boy took over playing for me after the first hour and half. He told me we finished 10th, one spot out the money, but what the hell, I am feeling much better and that is what is important right now.

The road to my recovery is a wide open freeway and I am heading up the on ramp now. The doctor can keep his “several days” I not buying in on it, I’ve got my internal computer rebooted and I am good to go.

Until next time,

Photos are property of @sultnpapper

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