Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/30/18> The buck stops here… so shove it.

The other day I made I huge mistake on my part and I can’t change that I have made that one, but I am putting a stop to anymore and it starts right here; right now. @catweasel caught me off guard the other day with this twelvequestion challenge thing and in a moment of weakness I went ahead and played along, despite my better judgment.

I likened these types of things as “monkey see / monkey do” ; well I have just become a blind monkey. I will no longer even spend the time to even write a response in decline of these invitations or challenges.

I especially hate that I have to do this now because @lizelle is just a charming lady from Durbin, RSA and has been so kind and gracious with me in the time since she first contacted me to let me know I had screwed up and listed her in a post instead of another Lizelle that I am also friends with, @simplylizelle. If I don’t put a stop to this now though it will just continue and I will pestering people with these things and I just don’t like being that person.

So my apologies Lizelle but I am going to pass and the Love It / Shove It thing that you nominated me for to participate in. The originator of this Love It / Shove thing is a person I also know named @snowpea and she is nice young lady who I follow both on here and over on Sola. The grumpy old man in me has spoken though, and he says enough is enough and he had his fill with @catweasel’s deal.

I will still continue to support your cooking blogs, BNB blogs, road trip blogs and whatever else I have failed to mention that I have supported of yours in the past, but the buck stops here for me on challenges that are more like chain letters in my eyes. I like block chain technology but not chains or chain letters.

If I had elected to do this Love It / Shove It thing my five would have been as follows
1.) Family
2.) Friends
3.) Work
4.) Weather
5.) Road Trips

You might notice that some of these also are exactly the same as yours but in reality they are not. You see these five are actually both for the Love It side of the task and the Shove It side as well; it all just depends on the four W’s + H.

1.) Family / Who ? Not all family members are good or bad so they can be on either list.
2.) Friends / What ? Not all friends are interested in what you want or like, you just need to be interested in what they want or like.
3.) Work / When ? I like to work, but on my schedule, not some required scheduled.
4.) Weather / Why? I like the weather to be around 75 and sunny, why can’t the weather just conform to my likings? I dislike hurricanes but love an 8 mile per hour breeze and a gentile evening shower.
5.) Road Trips / How ? The terms and conditions make all the difference in road trips, tight schedule or no schedule, 75mph highways or the two lane back roads at 35mph, traveling alone or with a van full of kids. Yes the terms and conditions are a big factor and can put it on either side of the love It or shove it column.

I will just leave it at that, I can argue for or against on pretty much any subject and that can confuse people pretty easily. It really just all has to do with the situation, I could even make a case for your dislikes of scammers and littering as being likable.

Scammers teach valuable lessons on just how careful we need to be when dealing with people we know little about, yes it may come at a price, but a good education can and does cost money. We have plenty of Ivy League colleges that are scamming people every day and people are highly disappointed when they are not accepted into those institutions.

While littering seems like there couldn’t be anything positive come from that we keep plenty of prisoners from our jails busy picking up litter here in the USA. If we have to feed and house them while they are paying their debt to society we might as well put them to work, litter is great for making prisoners earn their keep.

Okay, I am done here. I won’t list who I would have nominated otherwise this would look like I was actually participating and I am clearly not. Hell, only one of the three I listed for @catweasel’s challenge has even done that one thus far, so they might feel like I do about these things, if they do, maybe this daily dose will inspire them to speak up as well, instead of just avoiding it all together.

Until next time,


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